Here you can find the academic offer of the University of Granada for different international programs (e.g., Coimbra Group Europe-Brasil BE_a_DOC, Erasmus+ KA-107, etc).
In addition:
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
The role of chromatin-remodelling complexes and Non-coding RNAs in tumor development | Pedro Medina | 1 |
Detection and translation of signals in bacteria | Tino Krell --LOGIN--838695f3d77638de2d9953108d18e412eez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Mitochondrial biology in health and disease | Luis C. López | 1 |
Studies of extracellular proteases in the tumor microenvironment | Juan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque Escribano --LOGIN--c5df2ee9c4c32d3566239de7bd3ee3d4ugr[dot]es | 1 |
Human Evolution: Physical and Forensic Anthropology | Miguel Botella | 5 |
Understanding the role of the IAP family in stem cell biology | Francisco Abadía | 1 |
Extrapineal melatonin in aging | Darío Acuña | 1 |
Biological therapies, targeted therapies and cancer stem cells. Identification of predictive tumor biomarkers, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies | María Ángel García Chaves --LOGIN--56f9d80d62f9670c48b68f68a976f87eugr[dot]es | 1 |
Gene therapy and nanomedicine as innovative tools for cancer treatment | Houria Boulaiz --LOGIN--671d1fd9d67d318402e6653bfb0a96e7ugr[dot]es | 1 |
Study of the mechanism of action of melatonin in the tumor cell: mitochondrial function | Germaine Escames Rosa --LOGIN--6a9fbaabcb48fb37fff8db9a5357a155ugr[dot]es | 1 |
Biomechanics of human movement: Gait analysis. Campus of Ceuta. | José M Heredia Jiménez --LOGIN--ece8952dc04b0fa1a1d60c31786f73d8ugr[dot]es | 2 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Periodontal Medicine: periodontitis as a risk factor for cognitive impairment and/or dementia. | Jose Antonio Gil Montoya | 1 |
Oncological phisiotherapy. | Concepción Ruíz | 2 |
Epidemiology of infections. | José Gutiérrez Fernández | 1 |
Life styles and prostate cancer | José Juan Jiménez Moleón | 1 |
Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes prevention with Mediterranean diet. | Aurora Bueno Cavanillas | 2 |
Chronicity, Palliative Care and End of Life | Mª Paz García Caro | 1 |
Loss processes and Grief experiences: Evaluation and Intervention. | Mª Paz García Caro | 1 |
Neurodevelopment, nutrition and healthcare | Emilio Jiménez | 1 |
oxicogenetics: Influence of the interindividual genetic variability in genes encoding xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, membrane transporters and receptors on the risk of various human cancer related to chemical exposures. | Antonio Hernández Jerez | 1 |
The pathophysiology and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome, either with drugs or with nutraceuticals | Fermín Sánchez de Medina LH / Olga Martínez Augustín | 2 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Nutrition and inflammatory diseases | Jesús Rodríguez Huertas | 1 |
Maternal fetal health, nutrition and exercise | Julio Ochoa Herrera, Javeir Díaz Castro | 1 |
Nutrition and celiac disease | Teresa Nestares Plegezuelo | 1 |
Bioactive compounds in food | Eduardo Guerra Hernández | 1 |
Functional foods and health | Miguel Navarro Alarcón | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Galenic development of natural resources. | César Viseras Iborra | 3 |
Applications of Computational Chemistry to the study of pharmaceutical drugs and their interactions with mineral surfaces | Ignacio Sainz Díaz (--LOGIN--ca3c9b3ab4a12abfae58aa0fa8492ad2iact[dot]ugr-csic[dot]es ) | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Development of thinking and reasoning | Sergio Moreno Ríos | 1 |
Sleep research: clinical trials | Gualberto Buela-Casal / Alejandro Guillén Riquelme | 1 |
Bilingualism and Cognitive Control | Daniela Paolieri | 1 |
Research Methodology and measurement in Psychology and Health | José Luis Padilla García | 1 |
Development of attention and self-regulation | M. Rosario Rueda | 1 |
Cognitive Nueroscience of Attention | Juan Lupiáñez Castillo | 1 |
Social Perception of Violence against Women | Jesús López Megías | 1 |
Associative learning: perceptual learning and exposure effects | Isabel de Brugada | 1 |
Attention and Consciousness | Ana Belén Chica Martínez | 1 |
Human Neuroscience of Cognitive Control: training in disciplines such as computer engineering, telecommunications, physical bioengineering or similar with interest in the field of functional magnetic resonance data analysis | María Ruz | 1 |
Social psychology of inequality | Rosa Rodríguez Bailón / Guillermo Willis | 1 |
Reading and Writing development and difficulties | Francisca Serrano | 1 |
Psychophysiology and negative emotions: reactivity to danger / Psychophysiology of positive emotions: reactivity to safety | Jaime Vila Castellar | 1 |
Individual differences on memory retrieval and forgetting | Teresa Bajo | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Characterization of biomass residues for combustion processes | Mónica Calero de Hoces | 1 | Any |
Obtention of fuels and/or chemicals of renewable origin from the termochemical conversion of biomass | María Ángeles Martín Lara | 1 | Any |
Fractionation and processing of biomass components | Gabriel Blázquez García / Antonio Pérez Muñoz | 1 | Any |
Adsorption and catalysis carbon materials, electrochemical energy storage | Francisco Carrasco Marín | 1 | Any |
Adsorption and catalysis carbon materials, electro oxygen reduction CO2 | Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas | 1 | Any |
Adsorption and Catalysis in the reduction of environmental problems | Francisco José Maldonado Hódar | 1 | Any |
I+D+I in instrumental analytical tecnology. Sensor and biosensors | María Dolores Fernández Ramos | 1 | Any |
Embedding of enzymes | Mercedes Fernández Serrano | 1 | Any |
Cleaning of protein soils with immobilized enzymes | Germán Luzón González | 1 | Any |
Cleaning protocols for starchy dirt | J.Mª Vicaria Rivillas | 1 | Any |
Organic materials for molecular electronics | Alba Millan Delgado | 1 | Any |
Production and characterization of surfactants of microbial origin | Deisi Altmajer Vaz | 1 | Any |
Development of analytical methodologies for the detection of cyanotoxins in food | Monsalud del Olmo Iruela | 1 | Any |
Development of nanomaterials for improved oil recovery | Francisco Carrasco Marín | 1 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sedes Medellín y Bogotá, Colombia |
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials | Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas | 2 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sedes Medellín y Bogotá, Colombia |
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials | Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas | 2 | Universidad de San Luis Potosí, México |
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials | Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas | 2 | Centro De Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico En Electroquímica, Querétaro. México |
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials | Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas | 2 | Universidad de Ostrava. República Checa |
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials | Francisco Carrasco Marín y Francisco José Maldonado Hódar | 2 | Universidad de Lorraine, Epinal. Francia |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Finite elements in Fluids. Hydrodynamics and Free surface flows | Pablo Ortiz Rossini | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Asphalt Materials | Mª Carmen Rubio Gámez | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Dynamic Structures and Computational Hydraulics | Rafael Gallego Sevilla | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Integration of transport and urban development through systems. BRT, planning models and instruments in Latin American metropolis | Luis Miguel Valenzuela | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Power Qualilty | Enrique Alameda | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de mezclas asfálticas para su uso en infraestructuras de transportes | Fernando Moreno-Navarro y Mª Carmen Rubio Gámez | 2 | KA-107 |
Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en el Sector Construcción. | Mónica López Alonso | 1 | KA-107 |
Ordenación del Territorio | Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes | 1 | KA-107 |
Tissue Ultrasound Mechanics | Guillermo Rus Carlborg | 1 | KA-107 |
Hormigón y acero estructurales (Structural Concrete and Structural Steel). Ingeniería estructural | Enrique Hernández Montes | 1 | KA-107 |
Waste Management and the Circular Economy / Energy efficiency and building | Montserrat Zamorano Toro | 1 | KA-107 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Structural Geology and Tectonics | Guillermo Booth Rea | 1 | KA-107; Université de Tunis el Manar (Túnez) |
Structural Geology and Tectonics | Domingo Aerden | 1 | KA-107; Université Mohammed V (Rabat, Marruecos) |
Geodynamics and Applied Geology in Northwest Africa | Carlos Garrido | 10 | KA-107; UTHSB, Alger, Argelia – Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houary Boumedine; Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès, Marruecos ; Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Marruecos |
Petrogenesis | Carlos Garrido | 6 | KA-107; Iranian Universities; University of Tehran (2), University of Isfahan (2), University of Tabriz (1), East Azerbayjan Tarbiat Modares University (1) |
Hydrology | José Benavente | 1 | KA-107; Université de Gafsa (Túnez) |
Hydrology | José Benavente | 1 | KA-107; Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Túnez |
Hydrology | José Benavente | 1 | KA-107; University of Western Cape, Cape Town, Sudáfrica |
Hydrology | José Benavente | 1 | KA-107; Ben Gurion University, Israel |
Edaphology | Francisco J. Martín Peinado | 1 | KA-107; Instituto de Geología y Geofísica, Academia de Ciencias, República de Uzbekistán |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Integrated management of ports and coasts and risk analysis in engineering | Asunción Baquerizo | 1 | Any |
Analysis and simulation of met-ocean numerical data. Climate characterization | Asunción Baquerizo | 1 | Any |
Theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of fluvial, marine and coastal structures | Miguel Ortega-Sánchez | 1 | Any |
Morphodynamics of sand and gravel beaches | Miguel Ortega-Sánchez | 1 | Any |
Hydrodynamics and biogeochemical processes in estuaries | Manuel Díez-Minguito | 1 | Any |
Circulation and transport processes in continental shelf environments | Manuel Díez-Minguito | 1 | Any |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Biochemistry, Inmunology and Molecular Parasitology | Susana Vilchez Tornero | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Aquatic Ecology: Global Change and Food Web | Presentación Carrillo , Juan Manuel Medina-Sanchez | 2 | Be_a_Doc |
Terrestrial ecology | Jose Antonio Hodar | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Environmental microbiology | Jesus Gonzalez | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant-Bacteria Interactions | Mª Trinidad Gallegos --LOGIN--b1398c7ca491a4d08c2a46abb1f2b5fceez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | KA-107 |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant-Bacteria Responsable | Maribel Ramos González --LOGIN--12546ef0234df641783743e4e2f9d6f3eez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | KA-107 |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plant-Bacteria Interactions | Manuel Espinosa Urgel --LOGIN--982e077c4daa4d3b28a125e7f2973ca8eez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | KA-107 |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plant-Bacteria Interactions | Juan Sanjuan Pinilla --LOGIN--50df64cbfb4728be98713c9acfd48836eez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | KA-107 |
Environmental Microbiology | Jesús González López | 1 | KA-107 |
Biology, Conservation and Flora Management | Emilia Fernández Ondoño | 1 | KA-107 |
Antioxidants and Signaling by Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants | María Luisa Sandalio --LOGIN--499f8b1caadcc59d75e6094fcf4fe58deez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | Any |
Biology, Molecular Ecology and Biotechnology of Plant-Fungi Interactions in the Rhizosphere | Nuria Ferrol --LOGIN--136cc771cf1d63fb5b689cfd60f9a1bfeez[dot]csic[dot]es | 1 | Any |
Environmental Microbiology and Water research studies | Alejandro Gonzalez Martinez --LOGIN--76e62904fb72a2373c5a2250ac430f10ugr[dot]es | 1 | Any |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Decision and Optimisation models for Intelligent Systems | José Luis Verdegay Galdeano | 2 | Any |
High Performance Computing & Applications | Julio Ortega Lopera | 1 | Any |
Decision Support Intelligent Systems | Carlos Cruz Corona | 1 | Any |
Neural Engineering and Bioinspired Integrated Systems | Juan Julián Merelo Guervós | 1 | Any |
ICT applications in Health Sciences | María José Rodríguez Fórtiz, José Luis Garrido | 1 | Be_a_Doc |
Intelligent Information Access: Information Retrieval and recommender systems | Juan Manuel Fernández Luna | 2 | Any |
Information retrieval on the Web/Internet of Things | Juan Manuel Fernández Luna | 1 | Any |
Multivariate analysis in Omics data | José Camacho Páez | 1 | Any |
Machine learning for speech signal processing | Ángel Gómez García | 1 | Any |
Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) | Miguel J. Hornos Barranco, Carlos Rodríguez Dominguez | 2 | Any |
Reliability and user confidence in intelligent environments | Miguel J. Hornos Barranco | 1 | Any |
Hardware implementation of security algorithms | Luis Parrilla Roure | 1 | Any |
Internet of Things, smarthome, industry 4.0, industrial systems, real time and embedded systems, mobile computing, wearable devices, continuous monitoring, human-computer interaction, Internet of agents | Juan Antonio Holgado | 3 | Any |
Software Design and Development in Distributed/Mobile/Ubiquitous Systems | José Luis Garrido Bullejos | 1 | Any |
Measurement Equipment for Soundproofing industrial noise, magnetic aerospace modelling and characterization, Electronic device measuring and modelling | Andrés Roldán Aranda | 2 | Any |
The PhD program in Physics and Mathematics (FisyMat) offers a wide range of possibilities in internationally competitive subjects, whose general thematic lines, the research teams involved in them and the training programs can be found on the program's website:
Although any line of research of the FisyMat program is open to offer a thesis topic (those interested should contact the person in charge of the line), this call specifically offers the following topics:
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies | From |
Fundamentals of Quantum Computing (Functional Analysis, C * -algebras, von Neumann algebras, JB * -algebras) | Antonio M. Peralta | 1 | Any |
Biomatematical and mathematical models tumor dynamics | J. Calvo, J. Nieto, J. Soler | 1 | Any |
Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications in Atomic Physics | Miguel Piñar , Teresa Pérez , Antonia Delgado | 1 | Any |
Quantum Phase transitions. Topologycal phase transitions in low dimensional materials | Manuel Calixto | 1 | Any |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Psychoeducational Diagnosis, Evaluation and Intervention | María Tomé Fernández | 1 |
Research in Physical and Sports Education | Palma Chillón | 1 |
Research in Education: Theoretical, Historical and Social Education Aspects | Antonio Luzón | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Territory, Heritage and Environment | Antonio Ortega Santos | 3 |
Science, Medicine and Culture | Mikel Astrain Gallart | 2 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Translation and Interpreting | Ana Mª Díaz Ferrero , José Antonio Sabio Pinilla | 3 |
Literary Theory and Comparative Literature | Francisco Linares Alés , Mª Ángeles Grande Rosales | 2 |
Spanish and American Literature | Alvaro Salvador Jofre , Ángel Esteban del Campo , Gracia Morales Ortiz | 3 |
English Language and Literature | José Mª Pérez Fernández , Cristóbal Lozano | 2 |
Language Teaching and Spanish Language | Gonzalo Águila Escobar , Carmen Ávila Martín | 2 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Financial law. Public income and expenses | Luís Monchón López | 1 |
Criminality and Law | María José Jímenez Díaz | 1 |
Law and Family | Eva Fernández Baquero | 1 |
Models of state, fundamental rights and judicial protection of rights | Enrique Guillén López | 1 |
Economic law of business and enterprise | Jose Luís Pérez Serrabona | 1 |
International law of the European Union and Comparative Law | Teresa Fajardo del Castillo | 1 |
International law of the European Union and Comparative Law | Ricardo Rueda Valdívia | 1 |
Law, environment, urban planning and land management | Estanislao Arana García | 1 |
Public Social Protection and Social Policies Law of the Welfare State | Sofía Olarte Encabo | 1 |
Methodology, history of knowledge and legal argumentation. Legislative evaluation and implementation of law | Josefa Ruíz Resa | 1 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Women's and Gender Studies: History, Discourse,Science and Power (Items covered: History of women, education, literary creation and analysis of feminist and scientific discourse, feminist and gender anthropology, citizenship and power) | Cándida Martínez López | 4 |
Designation | Contact Person | Vacancies |
Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Economics and Business | Encarnación Álvarez Verdejo | 2 |