International Offer

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International Offer

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Here you can find the academic offer of the University of Granada for different international programs (e.g., Coimbra Group Europe-Brasil BE_a_DOC, Erasmus+ KA-107, etc).

  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any applicant must contact the researcher(s) indicated below before submitting an application to BEaDOC, Erasmus+ KA-107 or any other program in order to fix the details of the stay and agree on the research program.
  • The applicant must send to the researcher(s) (CC: to the following documents: i) CV, ii) language proficiency in Spanish and any other language, and iii) research statement/program.
  • Click on the persons below for contact details.
  • If you do not find here what you want, you still can search the web page of the PhD programme of your interest and look for potential professors of your research line. Look at (sorry, in Spanish). If you find suitable professors, you must get in contact with them and proceed as above:
  • Para ser firmada por el coordinador del programa de doctorado:
  • To be signed by the PhD program coordinator:

In addition:


PhD program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
The role of chromatin-remodelling complexes and Non-coding RNAs in tumor developmentPedro Medina 1
Detection and translation of signals in bacteriaTino Krell

PhD program in Biomedicine

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Mitochondrial biology in health and diseaseLuis C. López 1
Studies of extracellular proteases in the tumor microenvironmentJuan Carlos Rodríguez-Manzaneque Escribano
Human Evolution: Physical and Forensic AnthropologyMiguel Botella 5
Understanding the role of the IAP family in stem cell biologyFrancisco Abadía 1
Extrapineal melatonin in agingDarío Acuña 1
Biological therapies, targeted therapies and cancer stem cells. Identification of predictive tumor biomarkers, new diagnostic and therapeutic strategiesMaría Ángel García Chaves
Gene therapy and nanomedicine as innovative tools for cancer treatmentHouria Boulaiz --LOGIN--77fcb53b68a01dfadf530ab2af84e6c2ugr[dot]es 1
Study of the mechanism of action of melatonin in the tumor cell: mitochondrial functionGermaine Escames Rosa --LOGIN--08754f18dac1610e0cd865ad9f9abf26ugr[dot]es 1
Biomechanics of human movement: Gait analysis. Campus of Ceuta.José M Heredia Jiménez --LOGIN--87998ffc32f5a8283de6ab4e5279d15cugr[dot]es 2

PhD program in Clinical Medicine and Public Health

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Periodontal Medicine: periodontitis as a risk factor for cognitive impairment and/or dementia.Jose Antonio Gil Montoya 1
Oncological phisiotherapy.Concepción Ruíz 2
Epidemiology of infections.José Gutiérrez Fernández 1
Life styles and prostate cancerJosé Juan Jiménez Moleón 1
Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes prevention with Mediterranean diet. Aurora Bueno Cavanillas 2
Chronicity, Palliative Care and End of LifeMª Paz García Caro 1
Loss processes and Grief experiences: Evaluation and Intervention. Mª Paz García Caro 1
Neurodevelopment, nutrition and healthcareEmilio Jiménez 1
oxicogenetics: Influence of the interindividual genetic variability in genes encoding xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes, membrane transporters and receptors on the risk of various human cancer related to chemical exposures.Antonio Hernández Jerez 1
The pathophysiology and treatment of inflammatory bowel disease and metabolic syndrome, either with drugs or with nutraceuticalsFermín Sánchez de Medina LH / Olga Martínez Augustín 2

PhD program in Nutrition and Food Science

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Nutrition and inflammatory diseasesJesús Rodríguez Huertas 1
Maternal fetal health, nutrition and exerciseJulio Ochoa Herrera, Javeir Díaz Castro 1
Nutrition and celiac diseaseTeresa Nestares Plegezuelo 1
Bioactive compounds in foodEduardo Guerra Hernández 1
Functional foods and healthMiguel Navarro Alarcón 1

PhD program in Pharmacy

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Galenic development of natural resources.César Viseras Iborra 3
Applications of Computational Chemistry to the study of pharmaceutical drugs and their interactions with mineral surfacesIgnacio Sainz Díaz (--LOGIN--1e7cc1c9b9f65ac9ad5c51de067742ffiact[dot]ugr-csic[dot]es ) 1

PhD program in Psychology

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Development of thinking and reasoningSergio Moreno Ríos 1
Sleep research: clinical trialsGualberto Buela-Casal / Alejandro Guillén Riquelme 1
Bilingualism and Cognitive ControlDaniela Paolieri 1
Research Methodology and measurement in Psychology and HealthJosé Luis Padilla García 1
Development of attention and self-regulationM. Rosario Rueda 1
Cognitive Nueroscience of AttentionJuan Lupiáñez Castillo 1
Social Perception of Violence against WomenJesús López Megías 1
Associative learning: perceptual learning and exposure effectsIsabel de Brugada 1
Attention and ConsciousnessAna Belén Chica Martínez 1
Human Neuroscience of Cognitive Control: training in disciplines such as computer engineering, telecommunications, physical bioengineering or similar with interest in the field of functional magnetic resonance data analysisMaría Ruz 1
Social psychology of inequalityRosa Rodríguez Bailón / Guillermo Willis 1
Reading and Writing development and difficultiesFrancisca Serrano 1
Psychophysiology and negative emotions: reactivity to danger / Psychophysiology of positive emotions: reactivity to safetyJaime Vila Castellar 1
Individual differences on memory retrieval and forgetting Teresa Bajo 1


PhD program in Chemistry

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Characterization of biomass residues for combustion processesMónica Calero de Hoces 1 Any
Obtention of fuels and/or chemicals of renewable origin from the termochemical conversion of biomassMaría Ángeles Martín Lara 1 Any
Fractionation and processing of biomass componentsGabriel Blázquez García / Antonio Pérez Muñoz 1 Any
Adsorption and catalysis carbon materials, electrochemical energy storageFrancisco Carrasco Marín 1 Any
Adsorption and catalysis carbon materials, electro oxygen reduction CO2Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas 1 Any
Adsorption and Catalysis in the reduction of environmental problemsFrancisco José Maldonado Hódar 1 Any
I+D+I in instrumental analytical tecnology. Sensor and biosensorsMaría Dolores Fernández Ramos 1 Any
Embedding of enzymes Mercedes Fernández Serrano 1 Any
Cleaning of protein soils with immobilized enzymes Germán Luzón González 1 Any
Cleaning protocols for starchy dirt J.Mª Vicaria Rivillas 1 Any
Organic materials for molecular electronics Alba Millan Delgado 1 Any
Production and characterization of surfactants of microbial origin Deisi Altmajer Vaz 1 Any
Development of analytical methodologies for the detection of cyanotoxins in food Monsalud del Olmo Iruela 1 Any
Development of nanomaterials for improved oil recovery Francisco Carrasco Marín 1 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sedes Medellín y Bogotá, Colombia
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas 2 Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sedes Medellín y Bogotá, Colombia
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas 2 Universidad de San Luis Potosí, México
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas 2 Centro De Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico En Electroquímica, Querétaro. México
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials Francisco Carrasco Marín y Agustín Francisco Pérez Cadenas 2 Universidad de Ostrava. República Checa
Adsorption and catalysis, carbon materials Francisco Carrasco Marín y Francisco José Maldonado Hódar 2 Universidad de Lorraine, Epinal. Francia

PhD program in Civil Engineering

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Finite elements in Fluids. Hydrodynamics and Free surface flowsPablo Ortiz Rossini 1 Be_a_Doc
Asphalt MaterialsMª Carmen Rubio Gámez 1 Be_a_Doc
Dynamic Structures and Computational HydraulicsRafael Gallego Sevilla 1 Be_a_Doc
Integration of transport and urban development through systems. BRT, planning models and instruments in Latin American metropolis Luis Miguel Valenzuela 1 Be_a_Doc
Power Qualilty Enrique Alameda 1 Be_a_Doc
Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de mezclas asfálticas para su uso en infraestructuras de transportes Fernando Moreno-Navarro y Mª Carmen Rubio Gámez 2 KA-107
Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en el Sector Construcción. Mónica López Alonso 1 KA-107
Ordenación del Territorio Luis Miguel Valenzuela Montes 1 KA-107
Tissue Ultrasound Mechanics Guillermo Rus Carlborg 1 KA-107
Hormigón y acero estructurales (Structural Concrete and Structural Steel). Ingeniería estructural Enrique Hernández Montes 1 KA-107
Waste Management and the Circular Economy / Energy efficiency and buildingMontserrat Zamorano Toro 1 KA-107

PhD program in Earth Sciences

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Structural Geology and Tectonics Guillermo Booth Rea 1 KA-107; Université de Tunis el Manar (Túnez)
Structural Geology and Tectonics Domingo Aerden 1 KA-107; Université Mohammed V (Rabat, Marruecos)
Geodynamics and Applied Geology in Northwest AfricaCarlos Garrido 10 KA-107; UTHSB, Alger, Argelia – Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houary Boumedine; Université Moulay Ismail, Meknès, Marruecos ; Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Marruecos
Petrogenesis Carlos Garrido 6 KA-107; Iranian Universities; University of Tehran (2), University of Isfahan (2), University of Tabriz (1), East Azerbayjan Tarbiat Modares University (1)
Hydrology José Benavente 1 KA-107; Université de Gafsa (Túnez)
Hydrology José Benavente 1 KA-107; Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie, Túnez
Hydrology José Benavente 1 KA-107; University of Western Cape, Cape Town, Sudáfrica
Hydrology José Benavente 1 KA-107; Ben Gurion University, Israel
Edaphology Francisco J. Martín Peinado 1 KA-107; Instituto de Geología y Geofísica, Academia de Ciencias, República de Uzbekistán

PhD program in Environmental Hydraulics

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Integrated management of ports and coasts and risk analysis in engineering Asunción Baquerizo 1 Any
Analysis and simulation of met-ocean numerical data. Climate characterization Asunción Baquerizo 1 Any
Theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of fluvial, marine and coastal structures Miguel Ortega-Sánchez 1 Any
Morphodynamics of sand and gravel beaches Miguel Ortega-Sánchez 1 Any
Hydrodynamics and biogeochemical processes in estuaries Manuel Díez-Minguito 1 Any
Circulation and transport processes in continental shelf environments Manuel Díez-Minguito 1 Any

PhD program in Fundamental and Systems Biology

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Biochemistry, Inmunology and Molecular Parasitology Susana Vilchez Tornero 1 Be_a_Doc
Aquatic Ecology: Global Change and Food Web Presentación Carrillo , Juan Manuel Medina-Sanchez 2 Be_a_Doc
Terrestrial ecology Jose Antonio Hodar 1 Be_a_Doc
Environmental microbiology Jesus Gonzalez 1 Be_a_Doc
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant-Bacteria Interactions Mª Trinidad Gallegos --LOGIN--4705bdc5840425636e43a9911072b8aceez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 KA-107
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant-Bacteria Responsable Maribel Ramos González --LOGIN--6858e0147eecc1b529b72264c52792c7eez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 KA-107
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plant-Bacteria Interactions Manuel Espinosa Urgel --LOGIN--9651b57c55b0751bd2f9a3d506e9ec98eez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 KA-107
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of Plant-Bacteria Interactions Juan Sanjuan Pinilla --LOGIN--eb168deec68ccd8556e6211d5c8af05aeez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 KA-107
Environmental Microbiology Jesús González López 1 KA-107
Biology, Conservation and Flora Management Emilia Fernández Ondoño 1 KA-107
Antioxidants and Signaling by Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in PlantsMaría Luisa Sandalio --LOGIN--3b8952c69ccc59ff6be700fa3c40f7bdeez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 Any
Biology, Molecular Ecology and Biotechnology of Plant-Fungi Interactions in the RhizosphereNuria Ferrol --LOGIN--a94fb7f5b86bb75f5b4aee512d2c64cbeez[dot]csic[dot]es 1 Any
Environmental Microbiology and Water research studies Alejandro Gonzalez Martinez --LOGIN--8b9758cd9015711555af46d097d7a585ugr[dot]es 1 Any

PhD program in Information and Communication Technologies

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Decision and Optimisation models for Intelligent SystemsJosé Luis Verdegay Galdeano 2 Any
High Performance Computing & ApplicationsJulio Ortega Lopera 1 Any
Decision Support Intelligent Systems Carlos Cruz Corona 1 Any
Neural Engineering and Bioinspired Integrated Systems Juan Julián Merelo Guervós 1 Any
ICT applications in Health SciencesMaría José Rodríguez Fórtiz, José Luis Garrido 1 Be_a_Doc
Intelligent Information Access: Information Retrieval and recommender systems Juan Manuel Fernández Luna 2 Any
Information retrieval on the Web/Internet of Things Juan Manuel Fernández Luna 1 Any
Multivariate analysis in Omics data José Camacho Páez 1 Any
Machine learning for speech signal processing Ángel Gómez García 1 Any
Applications of Internet of Things (IoT) Miguel J. Hornos Barranco, Carlos Rodríguez Dominguez 2 Any
Reliability and user confidence in intelligent environments Miguel J. Hornos Barranco 1 Any
Hardware implementation of security algorithms Luis Parrilla Roure 1 Any
Internet of Things, smarthome, industry 4.0, industrial systems, real time and embedded systems, mobile computing, wearable devices, continuous monitoring, human-computer interaction, Internet of agents Juan Antonio Holgado 3 Any
Software Design and Development in Distributed/Mobile/Ubiquitous Systems José Luis Garrido Bullejos 1 Any
Measurement Equipment for Soundproofing industrial noise, magnetic aerospace modelling and characterization, Electronic device measuring and modelling Andrés Roldán Aranda 2 Any

PhD program in Physics and Mathematics

The PhD program in Physics and Mathematics (FisyMat) offers a wide range of possibilities in internationally competitive subjects, whose general thematic lines, the research teams involved in them and the training programs can be found on the program's website:

Although any line of research of the FisyMat program is open to offer a thesis topic (those interested should contact the person in charge of the line), this call specifically offers the following topics:

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Fundamentals of Quantum Computing (Functional Analysis, C * -algebras, von Neumann algebras, JB * -algebras) Antonio M. Peralta 1 Any
Biomatematical and mathematical models tumor dynamics J. Calvo, J. Nieto, J. Soler 1 Any
Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications in Atomic Physics Miguel Piñar , Teresa Pérez , Antonia Delgado 1 Any
Quantum Phase transitions. Topologycal phase transitions in low dimensional materials Manuel Calixto 1 Any

PhD program in Mathematics

Designation Contact Person Vacancies From
Noncommutative Algebra Pascual Jara Martínez, Luis Merino González 1 Any
Geometric Analysis Antonio Alarcón López / José Antonio Gálvez López / Rafael López Camino / Francisco José López Fernández / Francisco Martín Serrano / Antonio Martínez López / Miguel Ortega Titos / Juan De Dios Pérez Jiménez / Joaquín Pérez Muñoz / Antonio Ros Mulero / Miguel Sánchez Caja / Francisco Urbano Pérez-Aranda 1 Any
Functional analysis. Banach spaces and algebras. Applications Miguel Cabrera García / Juan Francisco Mena Jurado / Manuel Ruíz Galán / María Victoria Velasco Collado 1 Any
Differential equations. Numerical analysis and applications Pedro González Rodelas 1 Any
Semi-riemannian geometry. Applications to Mathematical Physics Miguel Ortega Titos, Juan De Dios Pérez Jiménez, Miguel Sánchez Caja 1 Any
Commutative Algebra and Computer Algebra Pascual Jara Martínez 1 Any
Mathematical foundations of Computing Manuel Bullejos Lorenzo 1 Any
Homological Algebra. Homotopy Theory Manuel Bullejos Lorenzo 1 Any
Approximation theory Miguel Pasadas Fernández, Manuel Ruíz Galán 1 Any


PhD program in Education

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Psychoeducational Diagnosis, Evaluation and Intervention María Tomé Fernández 1
Research in Physical and Sports Education Palma Chillón 1
Research in Education: Theoretical, Historical and Social Education Aspects Antonio Luzón 1

PhD program in History and the Arts

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Territory, Heritage and EnvironmentAntonio Ortega Santos 3
Science, Medicine and CultureMikel Astrain Gallart 2

PhD program in Languages, Texts and Contexts

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Translation and Interpreting Ana Mª Díaz Ferrero , José Antonio Sabio Pinilla 3
Literary Theory and Comparative Literature Francisco Linares Alés , Mª Ángeles Grande Rosales 2
Spanish and American Literature Alvaro Salvador Jofre , Ángel Esteban del Campo , Gracia Morales Ortiz 3
English Language and Literature José Mª Pérez Fernández , Cristóbal Lozano 2
Language Teaching and Spanish Language Gonzalo Águila Escobar , Carmen Ávila Martín 2

PhD program in Law

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Financial law. Public income and expensesLuís Monchón López 1
Criminality and LawMaría José Jímenez Díaz 1
Law and FamilyEva Fernández Baquero 1
Models of state, fundamental rights and judicial protection of rightsEnrique Guillén López 1
Economic law of business and enterpriseJose Luís Pérez Serrabona 1
International law of the European Union and Comparative LawTeresa Fajardo del Castillo 1
International law of the European Union and Comparative LawRicardo Rueda Valdívia 1
Law, environment, urban planning and land managementEstanislao Arana García 1
Public Social Protection and Social Policies Law of the Welfare StateSofía Olarte Encabo 1
Methodology, history of knowledge and legal argumentation. Legislative evaluation and implementation of lawJosefa Ruíz Resa 1

PhD program in Women’s Studies: Gender Discourses and Practices

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Women's and Gender Studies: History, Discourse,Science and Power (Items covered: History of women, education, literary creation and analysis of feminist and scientific discourse, feminist and gender anthropology, citizenship and power)Cándida Martínez López 4

PhD program in Economics and Business Studies

Designation Contact Person Vacancies
Advanced Quantitative Techniques in Economics and BusinessEncarnación Álvarez Verdejo 2