LIDEO: Life and death in the past ocean: stressors and primary productivity

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


LIDEO: Life and death in the past ocean: stressors and primary productivity

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Descripción de la actividad

From June 12th to 16th, the second edition of International Doctoral Summer School “Life and death in the ocean: stressors and primary productivity (LIDEO II)” will offer PhD students and early career scientists from all over the world the opportunity to discuss about the role of ocean stressors in primary productivity in the past oceans to gain insights into present and future environmental conditions determining life and death in modern marine environments. They will also have the opportunity to present their ongoing or recently completed research.

The course will be developed face to face in order to maintain a narrow relationship between professors and students. During this course diverse highly-reputed specialists in the field will present different approaches to evaluate the role of ocean stressors in the marine environment. Integrative analyses and multiproxy approaches including geochemical, micropaleontological, and ichnological proxies will be discussed, and also past and recent examples will be studied.

The course is planned for five days. The first four days (June 12th to 15th) include two sessions (morning and afternoon). Each day will begin with a lecture (1.5 hour) by each professor of the course, followed by questions and discussion (30 minutes). In the afternoon the students will give talks presenting their research results (20 minutes), followed by discussion as well. Moreover, a one-day field trip (June 16th) to the Sorbas and Nijar basins (Almería, SE Spain) is scheduled to show the students some exceptional outcrop examples of sediment records involving deoxygenation events. The course will also promote opportunities for future collaborations between young researchers from different disciplines related to Biogeochemistry, Micropaleontology, and Ichnology. Our scientific program will be complemented with a sociocultural program in the city of Granada. Thus, a visit to Granada is programmed in June 14th afternoon, to promote interactions between the group (professors and students).

Dirigido a

A total of 20 students are considered an appropriate number of participants in order to attend the sessions and participate in the debates as well as to present their ongoing doctoral research or their postdoctoral projects. They will be accepted by incoming order. The registration will be closed as soon as the quota is filled.

It is expected that more than 60% (higher than 11) will correspond to external students, mainly foreign belonging to European universities.

Two tuition waiver registrations are available for students enrolled in LIDEO Summer School. Students that fit the requirements and would like to ask for the tuition waiver should fill out the option in the registration form and indicate a justification of their motivation through an additional motivation letter entitled: Why I am requesting the tuition waiver. Taking into account the University of Granada is part of the Arqus European University Alliance 1 PhD student from ARQUS universities will benefit from one of the tuition waivers.


Del 12 al 16 de junio de 2023

Número de plazas ofertadas

A total of 20 students.

Lugar de celebración

Andalusian Earth Sciences Institute, Av. de las Palmeras, 4
18100 Armilla (Granada) Spain


Francisco J. Rodríguez Tovar ( --LOGIN--aa52294f3ae21b76939c465154d39871ugr[dot]es )

Comité organizador

• Francisco Javier Rodríguez Tovar (UGR)
• Francisca Martínez Ruiz (IACT; CSIC-UGR)
• Gert de Lange (Utrecht University, The Netherland)

Grupo/s implicados/profesorado

Grupos implicados:

• Proyectos TED2021-131697B-C21, TED2021-131697B- C22, PID2019-104624RB-I00, PID2019-104625RB-100 (Secretaría de Estado de I + D + I, Spain)
• Proyectos P18-RT-3804 y P18-RT-4074 (Junta de Andalucía)


• Francisco Javier Rodríguez Tovar (UGR)
• Francisca Martínez Ruiz (IACT; CSIC-UGR)
• Gert de Lange (Utrecht University, The Netherland)
• Michael E. Böttcher (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Warnemunde, Germany)
• Alvaro Fernández Bremer (IACT; CSIC-UGR)
• Adina Paytan (University of California, USA)
• Francisco J. Sierro (University of Salamanca)


• Secretaría de Estado de I + D + I, Spain
• Junta de Andalucía