Conformal Geometry and Non-Local Operators

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


Conformal Geometry and Non-Local Operators

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Descripción de la actividad

International Doctoral Summer Schools - Conformal Geometry and Non-local Operators 2023 Geometric Analysis is the part of Mathematics in the borderline between Differential Geometry and Differential Equations, a rapidly changing mathematical discipline with important applications in Sciences and Arts. The understanding of General Relativity, interfaces between two immiscible media, optimal shapes in Architecture, Copolymers and nanostructures in Chemistry, etc. are among applications of Geometric Analysis to real life questions.

In the first week of this Summer School we will have four courses by some of the most recognized experts worldwide, who will cover non-local intrinsic curvatures and non-local operators. As a complement, an international workshop will take place in the second week, where students and young researchers will have the opportunity to interact with experienced experts in the lively environment of IMAG, the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada.

Dirigido a

Estudiantes de los programas de Máster y Doctorado siguientes:

- Matemáticas
- Física y Matemáticas
- Estadística Matemática y Aplicada


Del 19 al 30 Junio 2023

Número de plazas ofertadas

• Hay 20 plazas disponibles.

Lugar de celebración

Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Granada (IMAG)


Comité organizador

Azahara DelaTorre Pedraza (Sapienza Università di Roma, IMAG). Email: --LOGIN--1e1169eec2313815a80e20371fab9280uniroma1[dot]it
María del Mar González (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ICMAT). Email: --LOGIN--30bc30efab230f58cceea007ba5d52bauam[dot]es
Joaquín Pérez (Universidad de Granada, Director del IMAG). Email: --LOGIN--49d02a43380e974a3b35607bf4594855ugr[dot]es

Grupo/s implicados/profesorado

Grupos implicados:

• Unidad María de Maeztu IMAG - CEX2020-001105-M
• Proyectos de investigación PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-113596GB-I00


• Sun-Yung Alice Chang (Princeton University). Curso: Non-local (intrinsic) curvatures
• Xavier Cabré (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ICREA Research Professor). Curso: On the nonlocal mean curvature
• Moritz Kassmann (University of Bielefeld, Germany). Curso: Non local operators
• Rafe Mazzeo (Stanford University). Curso: To be announced


• Unidad María de Maeztu IMAG - CEX2020-001105-M
• Proyectos de investigación (Plan Nacional de Matemáticas) PID2020-117868GB-I00, PID2020-113596GB-I00
• European Mathematical Society
• Escuela Internacional de Posgrado de la UGR

Universidades de la Alianza Arqus implicadas, en su caso