HisGender-Gap: International Summer School on Gender and Science

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


HisGender-Gap: International Summer School on Gender and Science

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Descripción de la actividad

International Doctoral Summer Schools - His-GenderGap 2023His-GenderGap, an International Summer School on Gender and Science, will be hosted at the University of Granada’s Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies (Centro de Documentación Científica) between 29 May and 2 June 2023. The Summer School commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Commission on Women and Gender in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (https://agnodike.org/). It combines feminist academic perspectives from the humanities (history and philosophy of science, technology and medicine) and social sciences (social studies of science, STS). The School is aimed at graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of science, technology and engineering, history of science, technology and medicine, STS, women’s and gender studies. It is conceived to become a biannual activity hosted at the University of Granada.

Dirigido a

Participants will be selected through an international call for papers. Interested applicants will be asked to send a cover letter, a CV, and a research proposal (1500-2000 words/approx. 3-5 pages), specifying the thematic strand which the application fits into. The selection will be coordinated by Prof. Maria Rentetzi with the support of the organizing committee and professors responsible for each of the four summer school strands. Successful candidates will be asked to send in a more developed research paper (up to 8000 words/approx. 15-20 pages) within 6 weeks of the invitation. These texts will be circulated among all participants of the summer school. Participants are expected to present their work to their peers while the international panel of experts in the field will provide constructive comments and suggestions based on the pre-circulated papers. Each day of the summer school will be dedicated to a specific topic where at least five PhD candidates/early career scholars will present their research, with one expert commenting and leading the discussion for each project, followed by a keynote lecture (in a hybrid format) by one of the experts. These keynote lectures will be one to the UGR community. The summer school is developed in collaboration with the UGR Research Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies.


Del 29 de mayo al 2 de junio 2023

Número de plazas ofertadas

20 fully funded international students (external, including Arcus) + up to 10 additional local students.

Lugar de celebración

University of Granada’s Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies (Centro de Documentación Científica) (--LOGIN--a3e92544a2fc133c4db2fcbfe4d8f613ugr[dot]es )


Dr. Ágata Ignaciuk, University of Granada (Department of Pathological Anatomy and the History of Science & Women’s and Gender Studies Institute)

Comité organizador

Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi, Chair of Science, Technology and Gender Studies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU),
Prof. María Jesus Santesmases, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, Departamento de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad), and
Dr. Ágata Ignaciuk, University of Granada (Department of Pathological Anatomy and the History of Science & Women’s and Gender Studies Institute)

Grupo/s implicados/profesorado

Grupos implicados:

• HUM773 Historia de la Ciencia
• Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios de las Mujeres y de Género


• Prof. Don Opitz, DePaul University (United States)
• Prof. Elena Serrano (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)
• Prof. Brigitte van Tieggeln (Science History Institute)
• Prof. Eleanor Armstrong, Stockholm University (Sweden)


HisGender-Gap has received a 19,800 euro grant the Deutscher Akademischer Austausdients (DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service). This grant can only cover the cost of student accommodation and travel.

HisGender-Gap is further supported by the following institutions (letters of support are attached):

1. Commission on Women and Gender Studies (Division of History of Science and Technology of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology)
2. Asociación GENET - Red Transversal de Estudios de Género en Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Jurídicas
3. European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA)
4. Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Granada
5. Doctoral Programme in Women’s and Gender Studies, University of Granada
6. Doctoral Programme in History and the Arts, University of Granada
7. GEMMA: Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies