This Year Summer School ASETEL focus on meta-fiction related to Literary Arts and Media. The thematic area selected for the fourth edition of the School responds to the need to tackle—from different methodologies and areas: narrative, poetry, drama, film, performance — a relevant space among the most recent trends in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, while being transversal enough to appeal students coming from different disciplinary profiles (Humanities and Social Sciences). The School aims to provide the consortium of doctorate programs with a cutting edge international doctoral activity through visiting researchers linked to ASETEL. The School offers to its participants a unique opportunity by providing direct contact with leading international figures and national specialist researchers belonging to the ASETEL network and the Doctoral School in Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences (UGR) in the research domain selected. The School offers to our students the possibility of presenting the research plan of their doctoral thesis projects in order to receive feedback from the invited professors such as tutor teachers and chairs (both from ASETEL and from the participating EIP doctoral programs). It also enables the students with the formation of a research network among the participants themselves, multiplying their contacts on both a national and an international level. They will benefit greatly from this in their future as researchers. Last but not least, it provides guidance on the development of the academic career, as well as information on possibilities and better options for the publication and dissemination of each doctoral thesis in its specific field of study, these being theoretical-literary, comparative, cultural studies, etc. |
Young students (Master, PhD candidates, postdoc) researching Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Drama Studies, Theatre and Performance Studies as well as Film Studies or other areas and disciplines related to Literary Studies or Social Sciences linked to Communication, whose research project can benefit from theoretical-methodological perspectives belonging to intermediality and transmediality studies. The School aims to PhD candidates, Master degree students, post doctoral researchers.
September 6th to 13th, 2023
30 students maximum
• Facultad de Comunicación Audiovisual
• Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
• María José Sánchez Montes, Universidad de Granada (--LOGIN--26bc86c7b4d2ac77da3d2d652dc92531ugr[dot]es )
• Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez, Universidad de Granada (--LOGIN--33c4cd69939df98368a4d3ef4579b52eugr[dot]es )
• José Manuel Ruiz Martínez
• Julia Nawrot
• Alba Torrebejano
• Miguel Olea
• Nieves Rosendo
• Verónica Ripoll
• Irene Olalla
• Juanjo Balaguer
• Carlos Linares
Grupos implicados:
• Grupos PAIDI “TELIA (Teoría de la literatura y sus aplicaciones)”
• “ComuniCAV” Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Profesores-tutores de la Escuela ASETEL:
• Anxo Abuín (USC)
• Ana Casas Janices (UAH)
• David Roas (UAB)
• Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez(UGR)
• José Manuel Marrero (ULPGC)
• Natalia Álvarez (ULeón)
Profesores de la Escuela de Doctorado en Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (UGR):
• María José Sánchez Montes (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)
• Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (UGR) (Doctorado Ciencias Sociales)