MISSCHO - Migration Studies Ph.D. Summer School 2022

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


MISSCHO - Migration Studies Ph.D. Summer School 2022

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18-21th July, 2022
Campaña MISSCHO 2022 Connecting shores, crossing boundaries. Current trends on migration research and methodological challenges

Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada, Spain

Scientific directors: Nieves Ortega Pérez (UGR), Victoria Rodríguez-Rico Roldán (UGR) & Roberta T. Di Rosa (UGR & UNIPA)
COVID-19 Scenario: due to the difficulties and restrictions on international mobility, we will consider alternatives to carry out the summer school on line in case the in-site activities were not allowed by the pandemic situation.

Short description

The aim of this Migration Studies Ph.D. Summer School (MISSCHO) 2022 is to provide an intensive program that enhances the research exchanges among the group of universities participating, while thinking about the changes on mobility and communities we are experiencing.
This aims at the following subjects:

1. How trends and migratory itineraries have changed for the last decade in the Euro Mediterranean system.

2. How current social and migratory processes challenge research methods and classical approaches.

3. How political and social actors are responding to new demands and scenarios.

Considering the different topics that the Ph.D. students are developing in their studies, the common concern on methodologies, categories and approaches of analysis will be the main instrumental focus. Therefore, it will be required that students work in teams and prepare presentations to debate on.

Multidisciplinary approach

The Migration Studies Ph.D. Summer School offers a multi-disciplinary and international approach on migration studies. By nature, the Ph.D. programme on Migration Studies presents a multidisciplinary design with four lines of research in which the candidates are inserted:

  1. Social psychology analysis of migration
  2. Cultural and gender analysis
  3. Legal and socio-political analysis of migration: Welfare State and management of diversity
  4. Globalization and human mobility: migration and labour market

This is “one of a kind” programme in Spain involves more than 60 teaching researchers, from different fields (Political Science, Sociology, Law, Geography, History, Economics, Anthropology, among others) working on migration issues as main area of expertise. The program will include a range of academic activities such as: lectures (opening and closing lectures), academic and social roundtables, a documentary screening as well as PhD. workshops.

Learning modalities

A) Blended learning modality for teachers and students on Granada campus, and others out campus participating on line.
B) Online modality (100%): in case the in-site activities were not allowed by the pandemic situation.

Who can apply?

Among 20-25 outstanding Ph.D. students will be admitted. PhD. students in the early stage of their PhDs, who are still designing or have recently submitted their research proposal.

Our estimation is at least the 75% of enrolments will come from universities abroad, bearing in mind that the scientific committee members belong to universities in Italy, Germany, Tunisia, and the UK.

In order to obtain a certification, students should attend and participate in (at least) the 80% of the activities developed.

Key dates

We will be accepting applications until July 11th, 2022. It closes at midnight (CET). Acceptance and further steps will be notified the July 15th, 2022. Applicants must pay the registration fee by the July 18th, 2022.


We firmly believe in the right to equal education; therefore, just a symbolic tuition fee will be required. The tuition fee for the program is 100€ (the fee covers a welcome kit with all course material).

Tuition waiver

The Institute for Migration Research, the Ph.D. Programme in Migration Studies, and the MIGRANTS Project will consider tuition waivers to outstanding PhD students. They will be granted on a basis of academic merit and considering geographical and gender balance. Students that fit the requirements and would like to ask for the tuition waiver should fill out the option in the application form and indicate a justification of their motivation through an addition motivation letter entitled: Why I am requesting the tuition waiver .

ARQUS Students

Taking into account the University of Granada is part of the Arqus European University Alliance (https://www.arqus-alliance.eu/), we will be admitting 5 Ph.D. students from ARQUS universities who will benefit from the tuition waiver.

MIGRANTS Project participants

The KA2 Erasmus+ MIGRANTS Project (Master Degree in Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures, 610242-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP, #MIGRANTSProject, https://migrantsproject.eu/), in which the UGR is a partner institution, reinforces the institutional capacity of Tunisia Higher Education System, and promotes a broad multi-stakeholder partnership including migrants, diasporas, local communities, civil society, academia, the private sector, parliamentarians, trade unions, national human rights institutions, the media and other relevant stakeholders in migration governance both in the Partner Country and in Europe.

It foresees a summer school at the University of Granada, which includes the participation of Tunisian partner universities, and the six Ph. D. students selected by the program (two enrolled at Westminster, two at the UNIPA, and two at the UGR).

How to apply

The applicants must fill out the MISSCHO 2022 Application Form (pdf) (word) and provide a short CV and a motivation letter. Documents must be sent to: --LOGIN--74ebf95f9a9a3e745da935fcd9034dd9ugr[dot]es (Subject: SUBMISSION MIGRATION STUDIES PhD SUMMER SCHOOL 2022)

Scientific Committee

• Habib Ben Boubaker, Université de La Manouba (Tunisia)

• Francisco Javier García Castaño, Institute for Migration Research, University of Granada.

• Serena Marcenò, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Italy)

• Federica Mazzara, University of Westminster (UK)

• Samira Mechri, University of Tunis El Manar (Tunisia)

• Hannah Reich, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (Germany)

• Khaled Kchir, University of Tunis (Tunisia).

• Marcello Scalisi, Unione delle UNIversita del MEDiterraneo (UNIMED)

• Maria Donata Rinaldi, COoperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (COSPE)

• Marica Romano, Clinica Legale per i Diritti Umani (CLEDU)

Organizing Committee

• Belén Agrela Romero – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Jaen

• Alberto Capote Lama – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• Francisco Javier Durán Ruiz – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• María Dolores García Valverde - Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• Susana Puertas Valdeiglesias – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• Dario Ranochiari - Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• Antonio Robles Egea – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

• Rosa Rodríguez Izquierdo – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , Pablo de Olavide University of Seville

• María Rubio Gómez – Ph. D. Programme on Migration Studies , University of Granada

Research groups involved (in Spain)

About this activity

This is an initiative of the Ph. D. programme on Migration Studies, the Institute for Migration Research (IMR) at the University of Granada, the UGR International Postgraduate School and the MIGRANTS Project.

For further information