May 24 to 28, 2021 (ONLINE) | |
Abstract: Quite often qualitative research has been criticized for its lack of connection with the solution of real problems. This might be true, in so far that narratives and thick description require of a reflexion far beyond the factual and pragmatic solutions that stakeholders demand in a short term, usually from an economic approach, and the same for everybody. However, qualitative research can provide effective solutions to the problems studied by social science, as the nature of this approach matches much better with the phenomena investigated. Thus, the purpose of this workshop is twofold: on the one hand, the current development of qualitative research methods will be discussed; on the other, the implications of such qualitative approach in the development of theories and actions in the educational field will be presented. The complexity of our world cannot be understood with simple tools, we also need complex ways to analyze and interpret the reality that qualitative research provides. This is the purpose of this UGR international doctoral summer school in education. For this, a panel of six distinguished scholars have been compiled: Kris Gutiérrez (California University, USA), Helen Simons (University of Southampton, UK), Saville Kushner (Edge Hill University, UK), Dawn Manny (Cardiff University, UK), Merel Visse (Drew University, USA & University of Humanistic Studies, The Netherlands) and Robert Stake (University of Illinois, USA). With a long academic trajectory, they all have contributed to the development of qualitative research and critical theories grounded on their findings that contribute effectively to face the complexities of our world. |
Technical Secretary:
Number of seats:
The number of seats is limited up to 50 participants. They will be accepted by incoming order. The form will be closed as soon as the quota is filled. A limited number of tuition waiver registrations are available for UGR doctoral students enrolled in the education program.
Escuela Internacional de Posgrado (UGR), IP, Unidad de Excelencia UGR: Investigación sobre Formación y Desarrollo profesional del Profesorado para el siglo XXI, Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Educación.
Price: 80€
More Information: link