The course will last four days, with sessions concentrated mostly in the morning which will be dedicated for the Scientific Program. This International Doctoral Summer School will be developed combining theoretical seminars guided by experts from Europe in molecular oncology and practical workshops. These activities will be developed in three main buildings: Corralade Santiago,Sciences Park and Health Service Technology Park. We will visit relevant scientific buildings such as GENYO (Pfizer-University of Granada-Junta de Andalucía Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research) which is equipped with the most updated technologies and equipments for developing Molecular Oncology concepts, so it will brings students’ the opportunity to be in contact with these innovative technologies and experts. Consequently, the course is supported by the latest scientific evidence, which will be presented by specialists in the areas of Molecular Biology, Oncology, among others.
Sessions will last 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes for discussion; workshops will last 1 hour to let students having more debate and a deep learning of these special practical classes.
Evenings will be dedicated to the Social Program, with many cultural and leisure activities such as a guided visit to “The Alhambra”, Carmen de la Victoria, Sciences Park, among others of the many cultural activities that offers this city.
This course is aimed at undergraduate; young researchers, master’s and PhD students related to Health Sciences, Biomedical or Biological Sciences; but also to everyone who wish to deepen the molecular basis of cancer, as well as take in contact with the main molecular techniques used for its diagnosis, monitoring and treatment.
It is also aimed for medical residents, technicians and research teaching staff for improving their knowledge about genome and its application in the current clinic, which is a leading topic these days.
We will welcome everyone who wants to improve and get in contact with the most updated talks and technologies in Molecular Oncology.
2.1 Scientific program
Granada, Spain. Tuesday 10th to Friday 13th, September 2019
Tuesday, September 10th
Place: Corrala de Santiago, Calle Santiago, 5, 18009 Granada, Map
Moderator: Marta Cuadros Celorrio
10:00-11:00 Participants´reception
11:00-12:00 Coursepresentation. Inaugural Talk SponsorshipIllumina
12:00-12:45 Molecular bases of cancer. The differences in molecular and biological point of view between normal and cancer cells will be described. Moreover, the mechanisms of genetic regulation and changed caused by neoplasic transformation will be mentioned. Questionsturn Dra. Mª Jesús Álvarez Cubero UGR/GENYO
2.2 Sociocultural program
Our scientific program will be complemented with a sociocultural program in the city of Granada. We will visit the Alhambra, one of the main chosen destinations by visitors from all over the world; and PTS (The Health Sciences Technology Park). PTS is one of most prominent research centers of the University of Granada. In addition, we will visit the Sciences Park, which is a science and museumcenter, located a few minutes’ walk from the historical center of Granada. The Science Parkis since its inauguration, in 1995, is the most visited museum in Andalusia.
The International Doctoral Summer School “MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY” (MOLON) arises for the need of knowledge of Molecular Biology of Cancer; which is one of the relevant topics that has revolutionized the present and the future of Oncology. We strongly believe this is a very interesting thematic, and we offer a complete program which is of great interest for PhD students in Health Sciences. Likewise, it will allow them to interact with other research groups and principal researchers, which will provide students the opportunity to establish national and international scientific collaborations.
3.1 Registration process
Number of places: 20
Before 15th of May 2019 | After 15th of May 2019 | ||
Students1) | 250€ | 300€ | |
Students2) | 350€ | 400€ | |
Resident students in Granada | 100€ | 150€ |
Deadline for registration: August 15th, 2019 |
Registration fee includes:
• 1) Accommodation in double room and breakfast in Corrala of Santiago Universitary residence (from 9th to 12th).
• 2) Accommodation in single room and breakfast in Corrala of Santiago Universitary residence (from 9th to 12th).
• Assistance to the Course.
• Inauguration dinner in Carmen de la Victoria.
• Participation in the social activities of the School: visit to The Alhambra, PTS (Health Service Technology Park) Granada and Sciences Park.
• The whole training program of Molecular Oncology Course and workshops.
To complete the registration, please, make a bank transfer with your name, indicating MOLON to: ES67 2038 3505 3764 0000 1291.
Send an e-mail with the bank transfer receipt to --LOGIN--03950013370a39c4c32d768e2ee2bddcugr[dot]es . Please, attach in this mail, your PhD project to apply for the prize and curriculum vitae to apply for the scholarship accommodation.
Students can present their PhD project, scientific work or master proposal. One poster award of 250€ will value the best presentation, assessing the excellence in research, clarity in presentation, and personal knowledge demonstrated in the discussion of the project.
It will be awarded with a scholarship that covers the cost of accommodation and registration to the bestcurriculum vitae (CV) of the students registered. Students wishing to apply for this scholarship should send their CV with bank transfer receipt, indicating MOLON, to molecularoncology@ugr.es.
Coordination: CuadrosCelorrio, Marta/Rodríguez Lara, María Isabel.
Scientific Committee:
ÁlvarezCubero, MaríaJesús
CuadrosCelorrio, Marta
GarcíaChaves, Mª Ángel
Martínez González, Luis Javier
Rodríguez Lara, Mª Isabel
RufinoPalomares, Eva
Sánchez Medina, Pilar
Organizing Committee:
ÁlvarezCubero, MaríaJesús
CuadrosCelorrio, Marta
García Chaves, Mª Ángel
Martínez González, Luis Javier
Rodríguez Lara, Mª Isabel
Rufino Palomares, Eva
Sánchez Medina, Pilar
Sevilla Olmedo, Teresa
Osorio Cabrero, Ana. CNIO
Rojas Expósito, Juan.Ludwig MaximiliamsUniverisity
CañadasGarre, Marisa.Queen’s University Belfast
Teaching stuff:
Álvarez Cubero, María Jesús | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III and Immunology. University of Granada and Research Center GENYO |
Álvarez Pérez, Juan Carlos | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I. University of Granada. Research Center GENYO |
Cuadros Celorrio, Marta | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III and Immunology. University of Granada. Research Center GENYO |
Fernández Coira, Isabel | Research Center GENYO |
García Chaves, Mª Ángel | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III and Immunology. University of Granada |
López Onieva, Lourdes | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I. University of Granada.Research Center GENYO |
Martínez González, Luis J. | Research Center GENYO |
Medina Vico, Pedro | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I. University of Granada. Research Center GENYO |
Robles Fernández, Inmaculada | Research Center GENYO |
Rodríguez Heras, Sara | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II. University of Granada. Research Center GENYO |
Rodríguez Lara, Mª Isabel | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I. University of Granada. Research Center GENYO |
Rufino Palomares, Eva | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I. University of Granada |
Sánchez Medina, Pilar | Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology III and immunology. University of Granada |
Scientific Groups
For historical, cultural and geographical reasons, the province of Granada has a relevant legacy of great tourist interest, since its location and climate, together with the Alhambra as the most emblematic monument,whichis one of the most visited monuments in the world.
Página oficial de turismo de Granada http://www.turgranada.es/en/
Alhambra http://www.alhambra-patronato.es/
Ayuntamiento de Granada https://www.granada.org/
Planos y mapas de Granada http://www.turgranada.es/mapas-y-planos/mapas-y-planos.php?id_idioma=1
Gastronomía https://www.guiasgranada.com/tapas-granada.php