FiloLab International Summer School (FL-ISS)

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


FiloLab International Summer School (FL-ISS)

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Granada (Spain) September 10-14, 2018
International Doctoral Summer Schools - FiloLab (v03) From September 10th to 14th, 2018, FiloLab-International Summer School (FL-ISS) will offer PhD students and young doctors from several countries the opportunity to present their ongoing research, get qualified comment, and be assessed on their postdoctoral projection.

The course is specially designed so that young researchers can present their research linked to the doctoral thesis — recently completed or close to completion —, or articles in progress, to senior peers and academics in the field of argumentation, epistemology and applied ethics, for comment and discussion.

The process will involve tutorials by renowned professors from Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as academical exchanges with peers who share research interests. This Summer School will promote dialogue and collaboration among researchers in various fields, in an international and interdisciplinary spirit.

In addition, there will be specific assessments about strategies for publication and diffusion of doctoral research. The school will count with the presence of editors of several journals and publishing houses, such as Theoria, Dilemata, Daimon, Isegoría, Plaza y Valdés and Comares.

Guest professors

Isidora Stojanovic (Jean Nicod, CNRS, Paris, France)

Stuart Youngner (Case Western Reserve University, USA)

Jan Albert van Laar (Groningen University, the Netherlands)

Teaching Methodology

The course will take four days, with sessions concentrated mostly in the morning, so that evenings may be dedicated to social activities, such as a visit to La Alhambra and guided visits to Granada.

Sessions will last 30’, followed by a 30’ commentary. They will be clustered according to thematic and methodological affinity. First, researchers will present their doctoral work in progress or their postdoc projects. Then, guest professors, professors from FiloLab-UGR Excellence Unit, as well the rest of the audience will provide feedback. Every session will have a chairperson to manage times and facilitate discussion.

In the afternoons, there will be 2 hour sessions for informal discussion with guest scholars. Topics to be treated include professional career, funding strategies, and collaboration opportunities.

Who Can Attend

The course is aimed at young researchers and researchers from all fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences, but also to those who, not belonging to these fields, have focused their research on areas of knowledge relevant to public affairs, such as applied ethics, the social economy, or public policies.

FiloLab International Summer School has an interdisciplinary and inclusive orientation. Proposals about conceptual and foundational issues, as well as those with an emphasis on methodological or applied approaches will also be welcomed, but other topics will also be considered if there is a thematic or methodological compatibility.

We will welcome proposals from areas such as philosophy of science, studies in science and technology, philosophy of mind and psychology, logic and philosophy of language, theory of argumentation, moral and political philosophy, or applied ethics.

This is a sample of possible issues to be considered:

  • Knowledge and opinion: Objectivity, pluralism, and relativism.
  • Truth and justification: truth and consequences; truth, ethics, and politics; truth and post-truth
  • Disagreements: epistemic and normative disagreements; laypersons and experts; facts and values
  • Argumentation: emotions and reasoning; validity in judgments and appraisals; requirements of reasoning; biases in problem formulations and analyses
  • Epistemic and discursive injustice
  • Language, gender, and philosophy
  • Cognitive biases

Submission procedure

Please submitt your proposal to Deadline: July 1st, 2018. Confirmation of accepted proposals will be available by July 15th, 2018. Each proposal should include:

  • Name
  • E-mail
  • Affiliation (if any)
  • Title of research proposal
  • Abstract (300 words max)
  • Scientific areas of interest (100 words max).

Organizing Committee:

  • Lilian Bermejo
  • Fernando Martínez Manrique
  • Juan A. Nicolás
  • Manuel de Pinedo
  • David Rodríguez-Arias

Scientific Committee:

  • Lilian Bermejo
  • Pedro Francés
  • María José Frápolli
  • Francisco Lara
  • Fernando Martínez Manrique
  • José Luis Moreno Pestaña
  • Juan Antonio Nicolás
  • Manuel de Pinedo
  • David Rodríguez-Arias
  • Neftalí Villanueva
  • Henrik Zinkernagel

Registration fees and submission procedure

OPTION A. Registration (60 €). It includes:). It includes:

◦ Registration

◦ Meals (lunch) at Carmen de la Victoria

◦ Materials

Transfer to bank account number: ES89 2038 3505 3664 0000 5794 Indicate your NAME + SURNAME + “Escuela de Verano” (send proof of payment by email to )

OPTION B. Registration and accommodation (300€). It includes:single room). It includes:

◦ Registration

◦ Single room accommodation: check-in Sept 9th, check out Sept 14th

◦ Full board at “Carmen de la Victoria”: Breakfast, lunch and dinner

◦ Materials

Payment and reservation in “Carmen de la Victoria”. Transfer to bank account number:
Indicate your NAME + SURNAME + “78/18”
Send proof of payment to --LOGIN--06f7cdcb79fb462eb8cc97a019adc858ugr[dot]es and
There number of rooms available is limited, so it is recommended to book as soon as possible. For the reservation to be confirmed, you must pay in advance 50% of the total amount of the reserved accommodation. Information and contact:

In order to make an invoice, you must provide the billing information (NAME, SURNAME, ADDRESS, ID and NATIONALITY).

There will be 4 scholarships for the registration exemption for those who request it and justify the need of the scholarship for economic reasons.