IDSS ASETEL 2022. Drama & Performance: Theatre & Audiovisual Arts at the crisis and the limit of the real

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IDSS ASETEL 2022. Drama & Performance: Theatre & Audiovisual Arts at the crisis and the limit of the real

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IV International Summer School ASETEL: Drama & Performance. Theatre & Audiovisual Arts at the crisis and the limit of the real.

Campaña ASETEL 2022 (cartel para web)


This Year Summer School ASETEL focus on theatre, film and performance linked to the issue of fiction and the real as well as the methodological boundaries to those two aspects in relation to intermediality and transmediality. The thematic area selected for this third edition of the School responds to the need to tackle—from different methodologies and areas: theatre, drama, performance, intermediality and transmediality— a relevant space among the most recent trends in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, while being transversal enough to appeal students coming from different disciplinary profiles (Humanities and Social Sciences).
\\The School aims to provide the consortium of doctorate programs with a cutting edge international doctoral activity through visiting researchers linked to ASETEL.

TThe School offers its participants a unique opportunity by providing direct contact with leading international figures and national specialist researchers belonging to the ASETEL network and the Doctoral School in Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences (UGR) in the research domain selected.
\\The School offer our students the possibility of presenting the research plan of their doctoral thesis projects in order to receive feedback from the invited professors such as tutor teachers and chairs (both from ASETEL and from the participating EIP doctoral programs).

It also enables the students with the formation of a research network among the participants themselves, multiplying their contacts on both a national and an international level. They will benefit greatly from this in their future as researchers.

Last but not least, it provides guidance on the development of the academic career, as well as information on possibilities and better options for the publication and dissemination of each doctoral thesis in its specific field of study, these being theoretical-literary, comparative, cultural studies, etc.


Young students (Master, PhD candidates, postdoc) researching Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, Drama Studies, Theatre and Performance Studies as well as Film Studies or other areas and disciplines related to Literary Studies or Social Sciences linked to Communication, whose research project can benefit from theoretical-methodological perspectives belonging to intermediality and transmediality studies. The School aims to PhD candidates, Master degree students, post doctoral researchers.

Languages of the school: the seminars and workshops taught by invited foreign proffesors will be held in English, but the School will use both English and Spanish as its languages of communication.

The academic teaching activities will be programmed over the course of a week, having opted for a calendar that covers two weeks and a weekend, in order to also facilitate the experience of getting to know the cultural environment that will house the school (city of Granada).



Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez
María José Sánchez Montes

Coordinator Mario de la Torre-Espinosa

Scientific Committee:

Anxo Abuín (USC), Ana Casas (UAH), José Manuel Marrero (ULPGC), Natalia Álvarez (UniLeon), Jordi Alberich (UGR), José Manuel Ruiz (UGR), Francisco Linares, Alés (UGR)

Organizing Committee:

Francisco Linares Alés, José Manuel Ruiz Martínez, Mª Ángeles Rodríguez Alonso, Antonio Alías, Andrea Káiser, Alba Torrebajano, Miguel Olea, Sarai Adarve, Nieves Rosendo, María Elena Higueruelo, Irene Olalla

Doctoral Programmes:

- PhD Programme “Lenguas, Textos y Contextos” (UGR).

- PhD Programme “Ciencias Sociales” (UGR).

Research Projects and Groups:

Proyecto Erasmus+ MIGRIMAGES
Grupos PAIDI “Teoría de la literatura y sus aplicaciones” y “ComuniCAV”
Facultad de Comunicación y Documentación, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


The school’s structure or program will have the following types of activities:

A) Two seminars taught by two invited chairs

B) Two workshops taught by proffesors

C) Two masterclasses taught by theatre directors and dramaturgs

D) Methodological proposals for specialists to investigate the theme area of the school Professors of the Doctorate UGR School + ASETEL’s guests

E) Presentation sessions

Presentations (pitching format) of the doctoral investigation projects of the participating students, followed by critical feedback from the professors chosen and invited for this purpose.

Visiting national and international professors

Anxo Abuín (USC)

Mieke Bal (Amsterdam University)

María Delgado (University of London – Queen Mary)

Jose Antonio Sánchez (UCLM)

Emma Cox (University of London – Royal Holloway)

Profesionales de la escena:

Rodrigo García (La carnicería teatro)

Sara Molina Doblas (Sara Molina en compañía)

Daniel Wetzel (Rimini Protokoll)

Carlus Padrissa (director de escena)

Profesores-tutores de la Escuela ASETEL:

Anxo Abuín (USC)
Ana Casas Janices (UAH)
David Roas (UAB)
Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (UGR)
José Manuel Marrero (ULPGC)
Natalia Álvarez (ULeón)

Profesores de la Escuela de Doctorado en Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (UGR):

Francisco Linares Alés (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)
María José Sánchez Montes (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)
Jordi Alberich-Pascual (Doctorado Ciencias Sociales)
Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (UGR) (Doctorado Ciencias Sociales)

Optional and included in the registration to this year Summer School:

This year the students will be offer to participate in the academic seminars offer by the project MIGRIMAGE which gives theoretical frameworks and analysis of tools within subjects related to the contents of the School.

These seminars will have a total duration of 25 hours and will be offered over 5 five weeks, between 23 May and 10 June 2022. They will be delivered online. The seminars on collaborative creation and citizen participation will be held in person in Melilla or Ceuta (still to be determined), will last 20 hours and will take place between 7 September and 16 of September 2022. Both seminars will be included in the tuition of the School if the students decide to take them. Further information will be included in the web page of the School

Social Progamme

The Summer School will organize various cultural activities (guided visit to the Alhambra; tour through the historical quartier of the Albayzin; visit to the international Centre Federico García Lorca; night concert, etc.).


Dates: September 7th to 16th 2022
Deadline: September 1st 2022 (Early Bird April 30th)
Number of students: 30
Conditions for doctorate students of ASETEL:
They will be selected by the respective doctorate programs related to ASETEL through our partners.


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