From July 8th to 12th, 2019, in its second edition, the FiloLab-International Summer School (FL-ISS) will offer doctoral students and young doctors from different countries the opportunity to present their work in progress or recently finished research, get qualified comment, and be assessed on their postdoctoral projection.
The course is specially designed so that young researchers can present their work linked to their PhD, or articles in progress, to senior peers and academics in the field of argumentation, epistemology, applied ethics and deliberation, for comment and discussion.
Tutoring processes will be facilitated by renowned professors from Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as an academic exchange with peers who share research interests. The aim is to generate opportunities for collaboration between young researchers and senior researchers from different disciplines related to philosophy.
In addition, there will be specific assessment on strategies for publication and diffusion of research. It is expected the presence during the sessions of editors of journals and publishing houses such as Theoria, Dilemata, Daimon, Isegoría, Springer, Plaza y Valdés and Comares.