ENSY International Doctoral Summer School 2019. Dynamics of Estuarine and Nearshore Systems

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


ENSY International Doctoral Summer School 2019. Dynamics of Estuarine and Nearshore Systems

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Granada (Spain) Jun 11th-21st, 2019
Cartel EIP ENSY 2019

The IV International Summer School on Dynamics of Estuarine and Nearshore Systems (ENSY2019) will focus on the process-based modelling of estuarine and nearshore systems, covering from fundamental concepts to advanced applications or current knowledge of these systems.

The primary topic of the school will be the study of the estuarine and the nearshore environment with simple mathematical-physical models that govern hydrodynamic, morphodynamic, and ecological processes. The school aims at providing an integral view of actual coastal systems through thematic lectures, and hands-on practices led by international first-class experts.


The Summer School is intended for MSc and PhD students who are interested in physical processes in nearshore and estuarine systems. Our students are expected to be familiar with basic concepts of hydrodynamic equations, ocean waves, boundary layer properties, mathematical methods and computer programming.


The course consists of an 11 days period. The course takes the form of 40 hours of lectures and assisted practices, approx. 6 hours of a field excursion to the Granadian coast, and about 15 hours of students' work. Approximate distribution of hours between Theory and Practices to be done by the students assisted by the lecturers, is 60%-40%. The student's working hours also include: short individual presentations in which they introduce themselves and their research interests; and teamwork to carry out practices. Analyzes of case studies are expected to be carried out by groups under supervision of the lecturers. Students are expected to present the outcome of the case studies.
