ASETEL International Doctoral Summer School 2019. Intermediality & Transmediality. Crossing Thresholds for 21st Century Literary Theory

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


ASETEL International Doctoral Summer School 2019. Intermediality & Transmediality. Crossing Thresholds for 21st Century Literary Theory

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Granada (Spain) Sep 11th-18th, 2019
Cartel EIP asetel2019

The thematic area selected for this first edition of the School responds to the need to tackle, from different methodologies, a relevant space among the most recent trends in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, while being transversal enough to appeal students coming from different disciplinary profiles (Humanities and Social Sciences).

The School offers two seminars taught by guest chair professors Jean Baetens (KU Leuven), Espen Aarseth (IT Copenhague) and two workshops taught by Rui Torres (UFP, Porto) and Meri Torras (UAB).

  • Director:

Domingo Sánchez-Mesa Martínez.

  • Organizing Committee:

Mª Ángeles Grande (UGR), Mª José Sánchez Montes (UGR), Anxo Abuín (USC), Ana Casas (UAH), José M. Marrero (ULPGC), Natalia Álvarez (ULE), José Manuel Ruiz (UGR), Mario de la Torre (UGR), Sarai Adarve (UGR).

  • Doctoral Programmes & Research Groups:

- PhD Programme “Lenguas, Textos y Contextos” (UGR).

- PhD Programme “Ciencias Sociales” (UGR).

- Research Project I+D+i: Nar-Trans 2. Transmedialización y crowdsourcing en las narrativas de ficción y no ficción audiovisuales, periodísticas, dramáticas y literarias (CSO2017-85965-P).

Goals of the Doctoral School

- To provide the consortium of doctorate programs with a cutting edge international doctoral activity through visiting researchers linked to ASETEL.

- The thematic area selected for this first edition of the School responds to the need to tackle, from different methodologies, a relevant space among the most recent trends in Literary Theory and Comparative Literature, while being transversal enough to appeal students coming from different disciplinary profiles (Humanities and Social Sciences).

- The School offers its participants a unique opportunity by providing direct contact with leading international figures and national specialist researchers belonging to the ASETEL network and the Doctoral School in Humanities, Social and Legal Sciences (UGR) in the research domain selected.

- To offer our students the possibility of presenting the research plan of their doctoral thesis projects in order to receive feedback from the invited professors such as tutor teachers and chairs (both from ASETEL and from the participating EIP doctoral programs).

- To enable the formation of a research network among the participants themselves, multiplying their contacts on both a national and an international level. They will benefit greatly from this in their future as researchers.

- To provide guidance on the developement of the academic career, as well as information on possibilities and better options for the publication and dissemination of each doctoral thesis in its specific field of study, these being theoretical-literary, comparative, cultural studies, etc.


Young students researching Literary Theory and Comparative Literature or other areas and disciplines related to Literary Studies or Social Sciences linked to Communication, whose research project can benefit from theoretical-methodological perspectives belonging to intermediality and transmediality studies.

  • Languages of the school: the seminars and workshops taught by invited foreign proffesors will be held in English, such as the presentations they will be a part of. All foreign students that wish to enroll in the school must have an acredited B2 level of both English and Spanish (official certificates of the Instituto Cervantes or approved to the European Framework of Reference for Languages).

The academic teaching activities

Will be programmed over the course of a week, having opted for a calendar that covers two weeks and a weekend, in order to also facilitate the experience of getting to know the cultural environment that will house the school (city of Granada).


The school’s structure or program will have the following types of activities:

A) Two seminars taught by both invited chairs:

Jan Baetens (KU Leuven): “Intermediality & Transmediality: Research Methodology & Case Studies”.

Espen Aarseth (IT Copenhague): “Introduction to the Onthology of Games. Comparative Studies of Literature & Video Games”.

B) Two workshops taught by proffesors:

Rui Torres (UFP, Porto): “Literary Theory & e-Literature, Research Methodology”.

Meri Torras (UAB): “Estudio de la intermedialidad desde una perspectiva teórica feminista”.

C) Methodological proposals for specialists to investigate the theme area of the school

Professors of the Doctorate UGR School + ASETEL’s guests)

D) Presentation sessions

Presentations (pitching format) of the doctoral investigation projects of the participating students, followed by critical feedback from the professors chosen and invited for this purpose.

Visiting national and international professors

Chair Seminar 1:

Jan Baetens (Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium)

Chair Seminar 2:

Espen Aarseth (Director of the Centre for Computer Games Research, IT Copenhague, Denmark)

Conferencia invitada:

Darío Villanueva (Universidad Santiago de Compostela, R.A.E.)


Rui Torres (Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Porto) Meri Torras (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona)

Profesores-tutores de la Escuela ASETEL:

Anxo Abuín (USC)

Ana Casas Janices (UAH)

David Roas (UAB)

Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (UGR)

Profesores de la Escuela de Doctorado en Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (UGR)

Antonio Chicharro Chamorro (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Francisco Linares Alés (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Mª José Sánchez Montes (Doctorado de Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Antonio Sánchez Trigueros (Doctorado Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Andrés Soria Olmedo (Doctorado Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Sultana Wahnón (Doctorado Lenguas, Textos y Contextos)

Jordi Alberich-Pascual (Doctorado Ciencias Sociales)

Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (UGR) (Doctorado Ciencias Sociales)

Social Progamme

The Summer School will organize various cultural activities (guided visit to the Alhambra; tour through the historical quartier of the Albayzin; visit to the international Centre Federico García Lorca; night concert, etc.).

General information

  • Dates: Del 11 al 18 de septiembre de 2019.
  • Number of students: 30
  • Conditions for doctorate students of ASETEL:
They will be selected by the respective doctorate programs related to ASETEL through our partners.
There will be one fellowship to cover travel expenses, lodging and full board during the week in Granada (There will be different options for lodging, to be announced further on).
The enrollment price will be reduced: 80€ (the tuition for external students will be 250€).


Academic information: (please use these addresses below until is available).

Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (
María José Sánchez Montes (
Sarai Adarve (

Administrative information:

Lorena Ruiz (