Granada (Spain) September 3-9, 2018 |
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The aim of the International Doctoral Summer School in Nutrition and Exercise for a healthier pregnancy is to gather professionals, students and teachers for a week to share knowledge and experiences on relevant issues related with nutrition, exercise and health in this population from an interdisciplinary approach. All the teaching staff members are high-level specialists on the topic, so quality and novelty is warranted.
The course will offer students an opportunity to complete their education in a population whose demand for adapted nutritional and exercise programs is growing in recent years.
 | This International Doctoral Summer School will be developed through theoretical seminars and practical workshops. The Course is oriented on promoting pregnant women health from a multidisciplinary approach. Consequently, the course is supported by the latest scientific evidence, which will be presented by specialists in the areas of Physiology, Nutrition, Molecular Biology, Sports Sciences, Gynecology and Obstetrics and Psychology, among others. |
Date: September 3-9th, 2018
Place: Biomedical Research Center (CIBM) and the Sports and Health Institute (IMUDS). University of Granada.
Coordination: María Teresa Nestares Pleguezuelo and Virginia A. Aparicio García-Molina
Number of places: 30
Teaching stuff :
Carlos de Teresa Galván, PhD, MD, Department of Physiology. University of Granada. Spain
Cristina Sánchez González, PhD, Department of Physiology. University of Granada, Spain
Irene Coll Risco, Department of Physiology. University of Granada. Spain. GESTAFIT Project
Jose Luis Quiles Morales, Prof. Department of Physiology. University of Granada, Spain.
Laura Baena García, Department of Nursing. University of Granada. Spain. GESTAFIT Project
Lidia Romero Gallardo. Personal trainer specialized in pregnancy and postpartum. GESTAFIT Project
Luis Morán Fagúndez, University Pablo de Olavide. Seville, Spain.
Mª Teresa Nestares Pleguezuelo, PhD. Department of Physiology. University of Granada, Spain.
Maurizio Battino, PhD, MD Polytechnic University delle Marche. Ancona, Italy.
Milkana Borges Cósic, Department of Sport Sciences. University of Granada. Spain. GESTAFIT Project
Olga Ocón Hernández, PhD, MD. Gynecologist. San Cecilio Hospital, Granada, Spain. GESTAFIT Project
Olga Roldán Rehoyo, PhD. Marie Curie Fellowship. Swansea University, United Kingdom.
Paola Rossi, PhD. University of Pavia, Italy.
Pedro Pablo Acosta Manzano, Department of Sport Sciences. University of Granada. Spain. GESTAFIT Project
Raquel Carrasco Campos. Clinical psychologist. Plenum Psychology Centre.
Virginia A. Aparicio García-Molina, PhD. Department of Physiology. University of Granada, Spain. GESTAFIT Project PI.
The courses will be distributed in FOUR BLOCKS, each of which will have different presentations and practical workshops:
Physiological changes of women during pregnancy. Materno-fetal adaptations to exercise.
Physical activity and exercise adapted to pregnancy. Recommendations and prescription based on the previous sports record of the pregnant woman.
Nutritional guidelines for a healthier pregnancy and lactation without toxics exposure.
Ergonomic, psychological, mindfulness and sexuality advices for a more grateful pregnancy.
“Physiological changes during pregnancy.
Maternofoetal adaptations to exercise”
“My pregnant mind: how to live the pregnancy with mindfulness”.
“Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle during pregnancy. How much they matter”
“Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation.”
“Anatomic changes during pregnancy and how to front them from Biomechanics”
“Design and developing of exercise programs during pregnancy”.
“Oxidative stress in the pregnant and neonate. Role of nutrition and exercise”.
“Sexuality during pregnancy and postpartum”.
“Pelvic floor training workshop”.
“Recovery of physical functionality after pregnancy”
“Human milk, a magic fluid. Influence of exercise during pregnancy on human milk composition”.
“Microbiota in the maternofoetal health”.
“Practical concurrent exercise session adapted to pregnant women”
“Physical Exercise and Cardiovascular Adaptation Monitoring in Pregnancy”
“Trace and ultra-trace minerals of toxic or metabolic importance for the mother and foetus”
| Guided Tour City Centre-Cathedral; Visit to the Alhambra Palace and Gardens; Guided tour to the Sacromonte-Albaicín neighbourhood; Nautical activities in the “Cubillas” swamp; Closing party with wine testing experience at Carmen de la Victoria |
Biomedical Research Center (CIBM) and the Sports and Health Institute (IMUDS). University of Granada.
| Graduate students in areas related to nutrition and exercise from national and foreign Universities |
Registration fee: €390 (includes assistance to the course, cultural and recreational activities, and accommodation in “Carmen de la Victoria” University residence in double room with all foods included). €190 only assistance to the course.
To complete the registration, please, make a bank transfer with your name and the subject: “Escuela de Verano Ciencias de la Salud” to: BANKIA ES6720383505376400001291
Deadline for registration: August 15th, 2018