Online thesis submission

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Online thesis submission

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This guide explains how to submit your thesis online.

Log into your UGR “Acceso Identificado” account

You must enter your “DNI” (NIE/Passport/ID) number and “Clave” (PIN number). Then click “ENTRAR” (log in). paso_1

How to submit your doctoral thesis

First you have to click “Portal de Seguimiento Académico de Doctorados(Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students).


Then click “Acceder” (access).


Thesis results

Click the “Resultados de la Tesis” (thesis results) tab and then “Añadir publicación” (upload publication) to upload the publication that certifies the quality of your doctoral thesis, along with the corresponding impact factors.

Once you have uploaded the publications, you have to click “Validar” (confirm) in order to save them.


Thesis submission

First click the “Depósito Tesis” (thesis submission) tab.

Then select “” (yes) if you wish your thesis to be treated as confidential (ONLY IF THERE ARE PATENTS LINKED TO YOUR THESIS) or “NO”. Then click “GRABAR” (save). Please bear in mind that once you click “GRABAR” only the International School for Postgraduate Studies will be able to modify this information.


To proceed with the thesis submission you have to create a new record by clicking the green ‘plus’ button:boton_empezar_solicitud


You must read and accept the information that appears in the “Depósito de tesis” (thesis submission) tab by ticking the corresponding box next to “He leído y acepto la información y el proceso de trámite de Depósito de tesis” and then click the button “Iniciar Sol.” (start application).



You must fill in the required fields in the “Solicitud” section (application) and upload the requested documents.


If you are unable to fill in the information regarding the external teaching staff, the administrative staff at the International School for Postgraduate Studies will complete this information for you and you can continue filling out and saving the rest of the application.


In order to upload the documentation you have to click the following button: boton_adjuntar

Click “examinar” (browse) and select the document you want to upload, bearing in mind that it cannot exceed 100MB and that it must be in PDF format. After uploading it, you have to click “Enviar” (send).


Once you have filled in all the fields and uploaded the corresponding documents, you have to select one of the options indicated below and click “continuar” (continue).


Once your application is confirmed and its status appears as “Pendiente de Tramitación” (pending processing), you can view and download a receipt by clicking the “Depósito de Tesis” (thesis submission) tab and then the “Mis Solicitudes” (my applications) section. boton_resguardo


If you wish to check the status of your application, click the “Depósito de Tesis” (thesis submission) tab and then the “Mis Solicitudes” section (my applications). You must then click the following button: boton_info

If you click “Info. Act. Realizadas” (information on completed actions), you can view your “Histórico de Transiciones” (record).


To return to the main webpage, click the following button at the bottom of the page: boton_volver_atras

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