Step-by-step guide

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Step-by-step guide

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1. Who can access UGR doctoral programmes?

  • The applicant must hold an undergraduate (equivalent to a Spanish 'Grado') as well as a master’s diploma (equivalent to a Spanish 'Máster').

2. How do you apply?

2.1 Pre-application

Via the following link you will have to fill in some information in the form:


1. Programa de Doctorado. (Doctoral Programme)

2 & 3. Apellidos y Nombre. (Surname(s) and Name)

4. Número de DNI español,Pasaporte o Número de Tarjeta de identidad de su país de origen. (ID or Passport number)

5. Fecha de Nacimiento. (Birth Date)

6. Nacionalidad. (Nationality)

7 & 8. Correo electrónico. (E-mail address)

9. Teléfono. (Mobile phone)

2.2 Application

You have to fill in and upload the following documents:


(a) Solicitud de Admisión al Doctorado [MI]. (Application for Admission to Doctoral Programme)

Once the application for Admission to Doctoral Programme is filled, you have to upload in PDF format.

(b) Copia Título Oficial de Grado o equivalente. (Official Degree Diploma or equivalent photocopy)

(c) Certificado de los Estudios de Grado o equivalente. (Degree Transcript of Records)

(d) Copia del Título Oficial de Estudios de Posgrado. (Official Postgraduate Studies diploma photocopy)

(e) Copia del Certificado de las materias cursadas en los estudios de Posgrado. (Postgraduate Transcript of Records)

(f) Certificado MECES del título oficial español expedido por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. (MECES official diploma, discharged by the Spanish Education Minister: it is of interest only to students who obtained their diploma in a Spanish university)

(g) Legalización diplomática o “Apostilla de la Haya” de los anteriores documentos. (Diplomatic legalization of the diploma via the “Apostilla de la Haya”)

It is obligatory for every student who obtained their diplomas in universities outside the European Higher Education Area. See Special Cases.

(h) Traducción jurada de los documentos si estos están redactados en un idioma diferente al español, inglés, portugués, francés o italiano. (Sworn translation if the documents are written in any language different to Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, or Italian). See Special Cases.

(i) Certificado de la Universidad en donde ha cursado el Máster/Doctorado indicando que la titulación obtenida faculta en el país expedidor para el acceso a estudios de doctorado. (Certificate by the University where the Postgraduate programme was completed, certifying that said diploma qualifies you to access doctoral studies: ONLY FOR DIPLOMAS ISSUED BY UNIVERSITIES THAT ARE NOT MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN HIGHER EDUCATION AREA). Check Special Cases.

(j) DNI / PASAPORTE. (ID/Passport number)

(k) Curriculum Vitae

(l) Certificados de conocimientos de idiomas. (Language examination certificate)

(m) Otros documentos. (Other documents: this part will include any document that the applicant considers relevant and that does not suit any other space)

(n) Formulario de Dominio Lingüístico para solicitantes del «Programa de Doctorado en Lenguas, Textos y Contextos». (If you are applying to the «Doctoral Programme in Language, Text and Context», you have to upload a language proficiency form)

(o) Compromiso de Supervisión. (Supervision commitment: if you do not upload this document, you must upload a sworn statement stating why)


3. Special Cases

In the following cases, you will have to attach extra documents:

  • If you have an official university licenciatura (full undergraduate degree programme),ingeniero superior (full undergraduate degree holder in Engineering), arquitecta (full undergraduate degree holder in Architecture), arquitecto técnico (3-year undergraduate degree holder in Architecture), ingeniero técnica (3-year undergraduate degree holder in Engineering), or diplomado (3-year undergraduate degree holder) issued by a Spanish university, you have to upload:

- MECES certificate issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

  • If you obtained your diploma from a university that is not a member of the European Higher Education Area:

- Diplomatic legalization of your diploma via the “Apostilla de la Haya”.

- Certificate issued by the University where your Postgraduate or Master programme was completed, certifying that said diploma qualifies you to access doctoral studies.

  • If your certificates are issued in a language different to Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, or Italian:

- Sworn translation of the documents you will upload.

4. Resolution

  • Admitted and rejected applicants will be informed via e-mail.
  • If you present an appeal to the resolution, you will likewise be informed via e-mail.

5. How to register and pay your fees

  • You will receive an e-mail with all the instructions and the procedure.
  • After you register in one of the UGR Doctoral programmes, you will receive a payment form (‘Carta de Pago’) that you will be able to pay via:

a) Online payment via UGR Secure Access Login (‘Acceso identificado’).

b) Online payment via online bank of financial entities holding agreements with the University of Granada.

c) Personally, at said financial entities’ offices. You can pay your fees up to 15 days after you receive your payment form (‘Carta de Pago’).

6. More information

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