Doctoral programmes

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Doctoral programmes

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By decision of the Rectorate of the University of Granada on 14 April 2021, elections are called for the complete renewal of the Council of Doctoral Student Representatives.

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If any information contained in this website is contrary to applicable regulations due to an error or omission, such information may not be used to obtain rights or benefits that could not otherwise be obtained.



(c) Word cloud based on statistics from the top five texts returned by the Google search “el doctorado es” (the doctoral programme is). Common words were removed (“that”, “a”, “the”, “doctoral programme”, “doctoral student” and other similar terms). Each term is sized according to its total frequency of appearance in the five texts. Created by Francisco Jesús Martínez Murcia, student of the Doctoral Programme in Information and Communication Technology, in February 2018.

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Information for students and candidates

To apply for a doctoral programme at the University of Granada, please consult the following links:

Click on the following link for information about the registration process, the doctoral thesis proposal and doctoral training, and the preparation and defence of theses.

Doctoral programmes of the University of Granada

Click on the image for an overview of the doctoral programmes at the University of Granada and information on how to apply.


If you have any questions, please send an email to --LOGIN--36343fcca18369edbc811ddb0f516d71ugr[dot]es

Students with special educational needs

The University of Granada has a Student Assistance Service, which helps students with special educational needs due to disability.

Legal information on doctoral programmes

According to Organic Law 4/2007, of 12 April, which modifies Organic Law 6/2001, of 21 December, on Universities, Spanish university education is structured in three cycles: bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctorate.

Successful completion of a doctoral programme (which corresponds to the third cycle) leads to the award of an official doctoral degree, which has full validity throughout Spain. Please refer to the following link for more information on the evolution of doctoral studies:

A doctorate is an official third-cycle degree designed to equip candidates with the skills and competences necessary to conduct high-quality scientific research. For its part, a doctoral programme is a set of activities that lead to the acquisition of the competences and skills required to obtain a doctoral degree. The purpose of these programmes is to help develop the training of doctoral students as well as to establish the procedures and lines of research for the completion of doctoral theses.

The University of Granada currently offers 25 doctoral programmes adapted to the European Higher Education Area.

Official doctoral programmes are currently regulated by Royal Decree 99/2011 of 28 January (BOE: 10 February 2011).

At its meeting on 2 May 2012, the Governing Council of the University of Granada approved the new UGR Regulations on Official Doctoral Studies and Doctoral Degree Certificates.

Poster on doctoral programmes (ES & EN)

Contact information

You can contact our DOCTORAL SERVICE via the following email addresses:

VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE DO NOT SEND THE SAME EMAIL TO MORE THAN ONE ADDRESS. If you accidentally sent an email to an address that you believe is not the right one, please do not resend it - we will forward it to the correct one.

For questions on access and admission to doctoral programmes (informative website on admission to doctoral programmes) --LOGIN--4a4ff7f92031d4c24bc7209a0b3ecb4bugr[dot]es
For general information on doctoral programmes and issues with student records (applications submitted, blocked records, etc.) --LOGIN--c52cc73bf90654d621c1d61c67230267ugr[dot]es
For questions regarding thesis submissions, boards of examiners, thesis defences and notification of defence dates --LOGIN--36c8fedf9c5b3eadf13b2dc3e2fff423ugr[dot]es
For information on the issuing of doctoral degree certificates --LOGIN--9275250512e3705fba04cfa0ba148cd6ugr[dot]es
For doctoral training activities --LOGIN--73f3cdf76d246eeea0da4a5a7a167d25ugr[dot]es
For any other questions about doctoral programmes --LOGIN--b49f68bd78e0040f4cdbe94f7202d21fugr[dot]es

If you are unable to solve your query by email, you can contact us by telephone on the following topics:

General information and admission to doctoral programmes +34 958 24 10 00 ext. 20180, ext. 20392 and ext. 20637 – +34 958 24 51 72
Submission and defence of doctoral theses +34 958 24 80 43 - +34 958 24 10 00 ext. 20204
Training activities +34 958 24 10 00 ext. 20582
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