Doctoral Thesis

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Doctoral Thesis

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For theses submitted from 01/10/2024, the new wording of article 18.2 of the Modification of the Regulatory Norms of Official Doctoral Studies and the Title of Doctor from the University of Granada will apply. Approved in the ordinary session of the Governing Council on May 21, 2024:
Modification of the Regulatory Norms of Official Doctoral Studies and the Title of Doctor from the University of Granada

Thesis Report Preparation Norms

The doctoral thesis will consist of original research work carried out by the candidate in any field of knowledge, framed within one of the lines of the doctoral program in which they are enrolled.

The thesis may be developed and, where appropriate, defended in the usual languages for scientific communication in its field of knowledge. If the thesis is written in another language, it must include a comprehensive summary in Spanish.

The cover and title page of the report will include:

  • University of Granada, along with the institutional shield.
  • Doctoral Program.
  • Thesis Title.
  • Author.
  • Directors.

The thesis must include at least the following contents: title, abstract, introduction, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions, and bibliography.

Publication Associated with the Doctoral Thesis

To ensure the quality of the work developed before its formal presentation, at least one publication accepted or published in an impact medium in the field of knowledge of the doctoral thesis signed by the doctoral candidate, including part of the thesis results, must be provided. The publication must be included as an additional document to be submitted to the International Graduate School and not included within the thesis copy.

See the regulation in this matter of the Doctoral Schools of:

Grouping of Publications

A doctoral thesis may also consist of grouping in a report research works published by the doctoral candidate in relevant scientific media in their field of knowledge.

  • The articles must be published or accepted after obtaining the bachelor's and master's degrees.
  • They must not have been used in any previous thesis.
  • If the publication has been made by more than one author, a declaration from the other authors must be attached stating that they have not submitted said publication in another thesis and that they renounce doing so. The doctoral candidate's work in the mentioned works will also be indicated.
  • The thesis must have, in addition to the aforementioned sections, the articles that comprise it, either integrated as chapters of the thesis or as an appendix.

The recommendation of the Doctoral Advisory Council is that to use this type of format, a minimum of three articles should be used, and a report with the impact factor of the presented publications should be included. In those areas where this criterion is not applicable, it will be replaced by the bases related by the National Evaluation Commission of Research Activity (CNEAI) for these scientific fields.

The Academic Commissions of the Doctoral Programs may require additional conditions to those reflected on this web page. You should consult the website of the doctoral program and the corresponding Doctoral School to check if additional conditions have been published.

The doctoral candidate must respect the intellectual property rights related to the dissemination of the articles used in the doctoral thesis. The articles must appear in the version that the journal allows or authorizes.


  • Access the regulation in this matter of the Doctoral Schools to which your doctoral program belongs:
  • Access the website of your doctoral program to check the additional requirements established regarding the characteristics of the publications that can integrate your doctoral thesis and if prior authorization is required for the preparation of the thesis by grouping publications.

Reading and Defense of the Doctoral Thesis

The procedures and document submission will be carried out at the International Graduate School. All details about documents to be submitted, deadlines, and procedures:

Check the deadlines and submission dates in the doctoral calendar. # Calendar

Doctoral candidates enrolled in doctoral programs may submit their doctoral thesis once two years have passed since their admission to the Doctoral Program. However, a motivated request for exemption from this period may be submitted to the corresponding Doctoral School with the approval of the thesis director, tutor, and program coordination, provided that the research plan has been defended and the established activities have been carried out.

  • If you are applying for the international mention, check all the details in the following link
  • If you are submitting the thesis under the grouping of publications model, remember to review all the required details in the previous point.
  • You can find information regarding the interuniversity co-supervision of the doctoral thesis in este enlace.

Consultation of Doctoral Theses during the Public Exhibition Period

The electronic copy of the thesis can be consulted by doctors of the University of Granada on the University of Granada Library website:

The paper copy can be consulted at the Secretariat of the International Graduate School, upon accreditation of the condition of a professor of the University of Granada and holding the title of doctor.

During the public exhibition period, doctors can submit any observations they deem appropriate about the content of the thesis to the International Graduate School.

Composition of the Thesis Tribunal

According to the new wording given by the Governing Council to [Article 25](!), of the Doctoral Regulations of the University of Granada, the main tribunal of the doctoral thesis will be composed of 3 or 5 members, the majority being external to the University of Granada and not affiliated as own faculty to the doctoral program in which the doctoral candidate is enrolled.

If it is composed of 3 members, only one will be from the University of Granada, being the secretary of the tribunal, and 2 external to the University of Granada and not belonging to the program.

If it is composed of 5 members, there will be 2 members from the University of Granada, one of them being the secretary, and 3 external to the University of Granada and not belonging to the program.

In both cases, the number of alternates will be 3.

Similarly, the following agreement adopted by the Doctoral Schools Advisory Council (CAED) in its session of 14/12/2020 should be taken into account:

The proposals for doctoral thesis tribunals prepared by the academic commissions of the doctoral programs must comply with the provisions of [Law 40/2015, of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector]( in all matters related to abstention when any of the circumstances provided for in the norm occur, especially when they refer to the author of the thesis or their directors. More specifically, proposals for tribunals will not be accepted when any of their members has a marital or similar relationship, or the kinship of consanguinity provided for in Law 40/2015, with the author of the thesis or their directors.

The previous paragraph is related to the proposed tribunal members who are co-authors of the publications provided by the doctoral candidates in theses by grouping publications or with the publication associated with the doctoral thesis. Specifically, the Doctoral School of Health Sciences will not accept in any case the proposal of a tribunal member who is a co-author of a publication of the indicated ones.

The Permanent Government Commission of the Doctoral Schools Advisory Council, following the provisions of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men, reminds the obligation to adhere to the principle of balanced representation of women and men in the designation of the doctoral thesis evaluation tribunals, from among the members proposed by the Academic Commissions of the corresponding Doctoral Programs, except for well-founded and objective reasons, duly motivated.

Time Required for Authorization of the Doctoral Thesis Reading

The approval of a thesis requires the authorization of various bodies of the University of Granada, and therefore the doctoral candidate must consider that the process from its initiation requires a time that could be up to two months.

The process of initiating the thesis reading will be carried out by the doctoral candidate before:

  • The offices of the International Graduate School, proceeding to send to the corresponding doctoral program for the Academic Commission of the same to report on it.
  • Once the approval of the corresponding Academic Commission is received, the Management Committee of the corresponding Doctoral School will assess the documentation on the fixed dates.

Modification of the Thesis Project

The modification of any aspect of the Research Plan/Thesis Project requires the corresponding authorization (change of title and/or theme, changes in the direction of the thesis, withdrawals from the thesis project due to transfer to another University, program changes, etc.), and always with sufficient advance notice before the presentation of the thesis for its reading.

When the proposed changes involve the inclusion of a new director, the standardized Suitability Report model that can be found below must be added. No other type of document will be accepted apart from the standardized model to prove the suitability of the new proposed directors.

Informe de Idoneidad (Español/Inglés) word pdf

The requirement to propose any modification of the thesis project is to be enrolled as a doctoral student at the University of Granada.

The modification request includes any changes you want to make to the current thesis project.

Where to submit this document?

The document must be submitted as a request through the tracking portal. (Type of Request: “CHANGES IN THE RESEARCH PLAN: IN THEME AND/OR THESIS DIRECTION” - Text: [The title of the doctoral thesis must be included, even if it has not changed]. Attach file: PDF format of the new research plan.)

How will the authorization/denial of the requested changes be notified?

If the new research plan is accepted, it will be indicated as ACCEPTED, but you will have to check under what conditions it has been made. You must click the ”+” sign that appears in the request row.

If rejected, you must also click the ”+” sign to know the reasons for the rejection.

How can an appeal be submitted to the adopted resolution?

An appeal can be submitted as a request (OTHER REQUESTS) attaching a document in PDF format, indicating the reasons for submitting said appeal.

Do you have to defend the newly submitted research plan again?

The resolution to the request will indicate whether such a defense is necessary or not.

Consultation of Doctoral Theses

There are various databases where doctoral theses can be consulted. Practically all Spanish universities offer the possibility of consulting the doctoral theses defended in recent years. The University of Granada offers its consultation in paper and electronic format available to the University Community.

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