Escuela de Posgrado

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Escuela de Posgrado

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The new wording of Article 18.2 from the Amendment of the Regulatory Norms for Official Doctoral Studies and the Doctoral Degree at the University of Granada will apply to theses deposited from October 1, 2024, onwards. This was approved in the regular session of the Governing Council on May 21, 2024. More detailed information on the procedure to follow will be provided in the coming days.
Amendment of the Regulatory Norms for Official Doctoral Studies and the Doctoral Degree at the University of Granada.

Doctoral thesis submission

Once you have completed your doctoral thesis, you can initiate the procedure to submit it to the Management Committee of your Doctoral School, which is in charge of granting final authorisation to proceed with your thesis defence. To do so, you must first access your “Acceso Identificado” Student Account, then click on the “Portal de Seguimiento Académico del Doctorando” (Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students) platform and select the “Depósito de Tesis” (Thesis submission) tab.

This procedure replaces the previous on-site thesis submission procedure at the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP). You can view the manual for the computer application as well as an extensive guide on this procedure below.

Your thesis tutor and supervisor(s), in order to authorise your thesis submission, will receive an automatic email every time you fill in the “Depósito de Tesis” platform correctly to start the procedure for your defence. If so, thesis tutors and supervisors must log in their “Acceso Identificado” account,  where they will find the application and will be able to verify the submitted documentation. Here, if they deem it convenient, they can authorise the further procedure of your defence or, alternatively, suggest improvements in any of the sections.

Once your tutor and supervisor have authorised your thesis defence, the coordinator of the doctoral programme, as well as any other member of the Academic Committee, will receive an email notifying them that they can access the “Depósito de Tesis” application by logging in to their “Acceso Identificado” accounts, where they can verify the documentation you have submitted as well as the reports from your supervisor and tutor. The members of the Academic Committee may communicate their objections to the thesis to the coordinator. The coordinator, logging in to the application as coordinator, will be the only one who can authorise your thesis defence or, alternatively, return it to you for improvement.

Once the documentation has been validated by the Doctoral Programme Academic Committee, all the members of the Management Committee of the Doctoral School, as well as its Director, will be notified electronically in order to access the platform, where they will be able to verify the submitted documentation. As in the previous case, the members of the committee can address the Director of the School and communicate their objections to the authorisation of the thesis defence. The Director will be the only one able to authorise or reject the thesis defence.

For further information on how to properly submit the required documents for your doctoral thesis defence, please consult the guide and manual below.

Application for defence by videoconference . After approval of the thesis defence by the Management Committee of the Doctoral School, you must upload an application to defend the thesis by videoconference to the Academic Monitoring Portal, or send it to, providing the documents indicated at:

This application must be approved by the Coordinator of the Doctoral Programme and the Director of the Doctoral School after inspection of the documents provided.