If you have partially completed master’s studies -at the UGR or any other university- and wish to continue your studies in another master’s degree -of the same or a different university- you may apply for a transfer of your academic record, if your current master’s degree:
- is equivalent to the UGR master’s degree you wish to enrol; - belongs to the same field of knowledge; - belongs to a different field of knowledge; - has been partially or fully completed at a foreign university but has not obtained official recognition in Spain (“homologación”).
There are three eligible cases:
You shall apply for your academic record to be transferred at the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP). For this, you must submit the application form together with the notification of the receiving university authorising the transfer of record.
After having verified this notification, you will be given a payment form in order to pay the corresponding fees. Once the payment has been received, a copy of the academic record will be sent to the receiving university.
In this instance, transfers shall be granted only when the applicant, in addition to meeting the academic requisites, is subject to circumstances deemed exceptional by the university authorities in charge of the decision.
The following are examples of some of the “exceptional circumstances” freely accepted by the relevant educational authorities that may be taken into consideration:
a) A change of family residence after entry to a master’s degree where the student is currently studying.
b) If you, or a family member, have to move to another workplace after you have begun studying, as long as this entails a change of residence.
In order to be admitted onto a master’s degree, the student must demonstrate that they meet the following requirements in their application for admission:
a) You must have at least 30 ECTS officially recognised, in accordance with Article 6 of the Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October. Under no circumstances will master’s dissertation credits be accepted. If recognition is not obtained, students must apply through the normal access and admission channels.
b) You must not have used up 6 exam sessions for any course.
The transfer of academic record will not be accepted if it entails automatic completion of the master’s degree.
In order to be admitted onto another master’s degree, the student must demonstrate that they meet the following requirements in their application for admission:
a) You must have at least 30 ECTS officially recognised. Under no circumstances will master’s dissertation credits be accepted. If recognition is not obtained, students must apply through the normal access and admission channels.
b) You must not have used up 6 exam sessions for any course.
The transfer of academic record will not be accepted if it entails automatic completion of the master’s degree.
You shall apply for the transfer of your academic record by sending a reasoned submission to the Director of the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP). The application must be accompanied by the following documents (except those originating from the University of Granada):
a) Copy of ID or passport
b) Official academic transcript issued by the home institution
c) Certified photocopies, issued by an official Spanish body, of the following documents:- Official curriculum from the home university.
- Curriculum of the courses completed at the home university.d) Certificate issued by the competent body of the country of origin that proves that the studies completed are at the postgraduate level.
e) Any other relevant document deemed necessary to complete the process (such as the degree validation report).
Certifications for non-Spanish studies must be duly legalised –with the Hague Convention apostille or through diplomatic channels– and officially translated into Spanish, if required. All documents must be originals or certified photocopies issued by an official Spanish body.
The transfer of the academic record will only be possible if permitted by the study programme of that specific master’s degree.
The deadline will be provided in the official academic calendar every year.
If the transfer of your academic record is admitted, you will have the right to enter to the corresponding master’s studies.
Those students who have been admitted must formally enrol, following payment of the public fees corresponding to the recognition, in the academic year in which the transfer is requested.
If you do not complete the enrolment process properly in the same academic year in which the credits have been recognised, your place on the master’s degree and recognition obtained will be forfeited. You will only be able to apply for admission after at least two academic years have elapsed.