Doctoral degree certificate

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Doctoral degree certificate

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The Secretary of the Board of Examiners will send all required documentation related to the thesis defence to the Academic secretary of the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP). Once the doctoral student's academic record has been verified, the doctoral degree certificate will be issued.

The first step to take before being able to request the certificate is to complete the TESEO sheet, as indicated below.

The TESEO sheet

Article 15.5 of Royal Decree 99/2011 indicates that once the doctoral thesis has been approved, the university will see to its archiving in open electronic format in an institutional repository and will send, in electronic format, a copy of the thesis as well as all the complementary information that may be necessary to the Ministry of Education for the appropriate purposes.

The institutional repository established at the University of Granada is the website of the General Library where all the theses that have been submitted can be consulted (with the exception of those that match the circumstances already seen in previous sections).

For its part, the Ministry of Education has established its own repository (TESEO database) where you can consult any doctoral thesis from Spanish universities (it is optional for the author to authorise access to their thesis or not).

To comply with the provisions of Article 15.5, you must complete all the additional information established in the aforementioned TESEO database.

Requesting your doctoral degree certificate

Once the doctoral thesis has been successfully defended, the doctoral student will initiate the issuing of the doctoral degree certificate by submitting the corresponding application through the UGR e-Administration Platform :

  • Application of the issuing of the doctoral degree certificate. Application form.
  • Copy of your ID card or passport (it cannot be expired).
  • If your ID card does not include your place of birth, your application form must be accompanied by a declaration of responsibility .
  • Any documents you can present for a possible exemption or reduction of fees.

VERY IMPORTANT: In the SURNAME and NAME section of the application form, the surname and name of the graduate must be clearly indicated with the corresponding accents. If the accents are not correctly indicated and the student requests a reprint of the doctoral degree certificate to have any typos corrected, the University of Granada will not be held responsible and the student will have to pay for the reprint costs.

If you are a doctoral student from a foreign university and you did not present the degree certificate that gave you access to your doctoral programme before your thesis defence, you must make an appointment with the “Servicio de Doctorado” (Doctoral Service) of the International School for Postgraduate Studies to present this document (original and copy to be certified).

In the event that the certificate was issued by a university outside the European Higher Education Area, it must be legalised or bear the corresponding Apostille. Where appropriate, it must also be accompanied by a sworn translation into Spanish. (Translation is not necessary if the documents are issued in English, French, Italian or Portuguese.)

Issuing of the degree certificate

Once we receive your application, a payment form will be generated for the fees associated with the doctoral degree certificate. You will then need to provide proof of payment through the application correction request (“petición de subsanación”) that you will receive. The payment form can be downloaded and/or paid through the “Mis Pagos UGR” (My UGR Payments) option from your Acceso Identificado Student Account. You can check the fees for the issuing of the doctoral degree certificate here.

Once you have paid the fees for the issuing of the degree certificate, you must provide proof of the payment as well as any other required documentation via the correction link you will receive. Please follow the instructions of the electronic procedure system.

As soon as we have received all the requested documents and once your academic transcript is complete, you will be provided with a degree certificate request form (an electronically signed document which includes a Secure Verification Code [CSV]).

IMPORTANT: Prior to this, if you wish to apply for a replacement degree certificate (“pretítulo”), you must ask the International School for Postgraduate Studies to send your academic transcript to the “Sección de Títulos” (Degree Diploma Section) once your transcript has been closed. To do this, please contact --LOGIN--041b58421b09019747be44a8b94e443dugr[dot]es .

Provisional doctoral degree certificate

A provisional degree certificate, which can be validated for use abroad and is issued pending the issuance of the degree, may also be requested. This procedure is carried out by the “Servicio de Títulos” (Degree Diploma Service) of the University of Granada upon request to the International School for Postgraduate Studies. For further information, please visit the University Secretary's Office webpage.

Name of the doctoral degree certificate

The doctoral degree certificate shall be under the name of “Doctor of the (name of the university issuing the degree)”.

These physical degrees will include express reference to their status as doctoral studies and to their official nature and validity throughout the national territory.

Collecting your doctoral degree certificate

When the International School for Postgraduate Studies receives your doctoral degree certificate, you will be notified by email. There are several ways to collect your doctoral degree certificate:

  • In person: presenting your ID card or passport and the provisional doctoral degree certificate you have already received.
  • By a person authorised by you: you can authorise a person to collect your degree certificate on your behalf through a power of attorney.
  • By sending it to a Spanish Government Sub-delegation: you must specifically apply for it. The doctoral degree certificate will be sent to the Spanish Government Sub-delegation that you wish.
  • By sending it to a Spanish consular office: you must specifically apply for it. The doctoral degree certificate will be sent to the Spanish embassy or consular office closest to your address. Doctoral degree certificates will not be sent to honorary consulates.

Reprinting your doctoral degree certificate

Official degree certificates are public documents with validity throughout Spain and therefore cannot be modified or amended. For this reason, any modification in the degree certificate (change of name, change of nationality, rectification, new details such as relevant awards, etc.) implies the annulment of the original certificate and the issuing of a duplicate.

Conditions of reprinting

Duplicates will not be issued for changes in text, material error or damage without having previously received the original degree certificate or the part of it allowing for its identification.

The application procedure for a duplicate certificate is the same as for the application for the original. However, if the error, damage or loss is due to causes attributable to the University, you will not need to pay any fees for reissuing the certificate.

Reasons for reprinting

  • Change of name, surname, nationality, etc., after paying the issuing fees.
  • Loss of the original certificate.
  • Destruction or damage of the original certificate.
  • A new extraordinary award.

In any case, the original certificate must be presented at the International School for Postgraduate Studies if it has already been collected.

  • To apply for the reprinting of the doctoral degree certificate, you will need:
    • To apply for the issuing of the doctoral degree certificate.
    • To provide official documentation to prove the changes in the certificate.
    • To pay the corresponding fees, if applicable.

Reprinting due to loss

If you have lost your doctoral degree certificate, it is compulsory to publish such loss in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Government (BOE) in order to facilitate any claims, when appropriate.

If there are no claims within 30 days following the date of publication, the process of issuing the corresponding duplicate certificate will start.

The initiative for the publication will correspond to the International School for Postgraduate Studies. You must pay all costs that may arise from the publication of the loss, as well as the issuing fees of the duplicate certificate, unless the University of Granada or the Public Administration are responsible for such loss.

Reprinting due to destruction or damage of the original certificate

If your doctoral degree certificate is damaged or destroyed, you must apply for a new certificate, present the damaged certificate and pay the corresponding fees.

The application must include the causes of damage and, if applicable, a report from the competent body (for instance, the fire department if there was a fire).

Reprinting if you have received an extraordinary award

If you have received an extraordinary award, you will not need to pay any fees for the issuing of the new degree certificate.


You can find all of the documents related to your degree certificate in the following section:

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