Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica




Próxima Escuela de Verano MethodsNET, organizada por el departamento de Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Centroeuropea, que tendrá lugar del 30 de junio al 18 de julio de 2025.

We are pleased to inform you about an exciting opportunity for students from your institution to participate in our upcoming MethodsNET Summer School hosted by the department of Political Science at Central European University taking place from June 30 to July 18, 2025.

Offering a rich array of week-long courses in case-based, interpretivist, quantitative and big data methods, taught by top instructors, the Summer School offers a unique possibility to enhance methodological expertise for doctoral students, scholars and researchers. It will also offer a unique opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge in the area, engage with international peers, and gain valuable academic and cultural experiences. We believe that this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for your students.

Further information, including the list of courses, can be found on MethodsNET Summer School with CEU website.

Key Details: • Dates: June 30 – July 18, 2025 • Location: Vienna, Austria • Program Focus: Research Methods Training • Target Audience: PhD Students and Researchers • Early Bird Application Deadline: March 26, 2025 • Eligible for Erasmus+ Funding

We would be delighted to welcome students from your institution and are eager to offer them a chance to take part in this enriching academic and cultural experience.

If you are interested in this opportunity or would like more details, please feel free to reach out via or to prof. Derek Beach directly and he would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

We kindly ask you to circulate this information to your students and let us know if any students from your institution would be interested in participating through the Erasmus+ scheme. The Early Bird Registration is now open until March 26.

We look forward to the possibility of welcoming students from your university and fostering greater collaboration between our institutions.

Department of Political Science Central European University