The University of Granada offers undergraduate, master's and doctoral degree programmes leading to the award of the corresponding official university degrees, as established in Article 37 of Organic Law 6/2001 of 21 December on Universities.
Master's degree programmes aim to provide students with advanced training of a specialised or multidisciplinary nature oriented towards academic or professional specialisation. Additionally, master's degrees may enable students to pursue a research career.
Students who successfully complete a master's degree will receive an official master's degree certificate, which may lead to the completion of a doctoral thesis and the award of the corresponding doctoral degree certificate.
All official master's degrees have been adapted to the European Higher Education Area. Official master's degree programmes have between 60 and 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. They contain all the theoretical and practical training that students must acquire, including compulsory and elective subjects, seminars, work placements, supervised work, a master's dissertation, assessment activities and other relevant tasks depending on the characteristics of each degree.
Master's degrees conclude with the writing and public defence of a master's dissertation, which comprises between 6 and 30 ECTS credits.
In their academic programming, official master's degrees may incorporate specialisations specific to their area of knowledge (science, humanities, technology, professional practice), provided that such specialisations have been included in their corresponding curriculum report.
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