Doctoral Candidate Activity Document (the 'DAD')

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Doctoral Candidate Activity Document (the 'DAD')

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This document is the equivalent of your academic record for your undergraduate and Master's programmes except that, as it relates to your doctoral programme, it is personalised. Within the Portal, under this 'DAD' tab you can consult the tasks your tutor recommends you should undertake as part of your training. You should inform your tutor of the activities that most interest you, based on your previous training and your doctoral thesis proposal. The process begins when the tutor assigns an activity to you. They will have provided the necessary information for you to complete the activity in the 'DAD', and you can view it accordingly via the Portal. In the case of activities that require you to register in advance (activities requiring monitoring of attendance), you will receive, if necessary, the supplementary information via email from the International School for Postgraduate Studies. For example, if different editions of a course are being offered, you will be sent information advising you on which edition you should attend.


Meanwhile, there are a few common symbols on the Portal site that would be useful for you to be familiar with. It is your responsibility to complete/provide the necessary information to evaluate and record your academic activities. When you see the pencil symbol, this means you can fill in the details of the activity. When you see a magnifying glass icon, this means the activity is being, or has been, reviewed by the tutor and that you need take no further action (although you may view the content by clicking on the icon). Once you have completed an activity, you should fill in the details in the corresponding fields (name, place, teaching staff, dates, etc.).


You must also attach the documents that provide proof of the completion of the activity (for example: an attendance certificate, which should provide evidence of what you have learnt from the experience; a manuscript, such as a scientific paper you may have published; or a letter of acceptance for a publication). On the same 'DAD' page, you will find an explanation of how to obtain an attendance certificate.


When you finish filling in all the details related to the activity and attaching the necessary documents, you should save the information (by clicking on ‘Grabar’ at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen) and then select the option to send the information for review by ticking the 'Enviar a revisión' box toward the top of the screen. This will enable your tutor to evaluate the activity in question.


The different types of activities are organised as follows:

  • Those requiring registration prior to attendance
  • Those not requiring registration prior to attendance
  • Participation
  • Mobility
  • Contribution
  • Supervision

Attendance refers to taking a course or attending a conference; the requirement for prior registration indicates that it is a specially-organised course on specific dates and with a limited number of places. Participation refers to events where you make a presentation or give a talk (at a conference, for instance). Mobility refers to stays at other centres outside the University of Granada. Contributionrefers to the publication of scientific papers. Finally, Supervision, refers to tasks of a scientific nature that you undertake as a co-supervisor. The activities are defined by the doctoral programmes. You will therefore only have access to those offered by your particular programme. Each type requires you to provide different information and documents. For instance, the image below shows the information to include for an activity in the Mobility category.


The following image shows the information to include for an activity in the Participation category.


In the case of activities requiring prior registration, make sure to select the particular edition of the activity you completed.

It is very important that you keep your ‘DAD’ information up-to-date as your tutor will consult it regularly. The Academic Committee of your programme will also consult its content during the annual monitoring process.