Each academic year, the Rectorate of the University of Granada publishes its Regulations on Formal Registration for Master's Degree and Doctoral Programmes. These regulations set out the deadlines, modes of study and grounds on which students may be exempted from paying fees, as well as other important matters.
Applicants for admission to doctoral studies will receive a registration link in their university email account (included with their admission to a doctoral programme).
Once you have completed the self-registration process, you will obtain a PIN number to access your UGR «Acceso identificado» Student Account. This account will allow you to perform a wide range of tasks - create your university student email account, pay your fees electronically, access the Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students (very important), apply for the University Smart Card (TUI), etc.
Once you have registered, you can apply for your University Smart Card (TUI) via your «Acceso Identificado» Student Account.
More info on the University Smart Card (TUI)
Once you have registered, you will obtain a PIN number to access your «Acceso identificado» Student Account, which you must use to open a UGR student email account (@correo.ugr.es). To do so, log into your Acceso Identificado account, click on Mis cuentas UGR (My UGR accounts) and follow the instructions regarding the username and password.
You will be able to access the PRADO2 platform (*) using your email and password as credentials.
(*) IMPORTANT: The PRADO platform is only useful for doctoral students who have registered for certain courses of an official UGR master's degree in order to pass the complementary training established in the decision on admission to doctoral studies.
You must register via the Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students, specifically by accessing the SEGUIMIENTO (Follow-up) tab. The self-registration icon will be activated when the report provided by the doctoral student obtains a favourable assessment in view of the reports issued by their supervisor and tutor.
If the assessment is not favourable, you must follow the corresponding procedure described here (LINK PENDING).
All fees charged by the University of Granada for the provision of academic and administrative services for DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES are established in the Decree of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Enterprise and Universities (CECEU) of Andalusia. This decree is published every academic year.
You can make the payment to any of the following account numbers (IBANs):
CAIXABANK: ES29 2100 4224 3713 0090 2944 (BIC / SWIFT: CAIXESBBXXX)
CAJA RURAL: ES33 3023 0140 6557 0692 3207 (BIC / SWIFT): BCOEESMM023)
CAJA SUR: ES50 0237 0700 4091 6923 4956 (BIC / SWIFT: CSURES2CXXX)
BANCO SANTANDER: ES63 0049 0004 9121 1455 5688 (BIC / SWIFT: BSCHESMMXXX)
UNICAJA: ES13 2103 0915 1800 6000 0017 (BIC / SWIFT: UCJAES2MXXX)
Do not forget to include the following information in the message accompanying the transference: reference ID of the payment form, your ID card/passport, and your surname and first name.
Your application for registration will be conditionally admitted until you submit proof of payment of the fees by the established deadline. If the payment has not been made by that time, an order for payment will be issued and you will be given ten days to settle the amount due. During this period, your academic transcript will be blocked. If you do not pay the outstanding fees, your application for registration will be considered withdrawn and will be archived. Likewise, we will initiate the cancellation of your affiliation to your doctoral studies.
The International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP) will notify you of this withdrawal, informing you that your application for registration has been archived and that you may appeal this decision before the Rector on justified grounds. At this point, a new payment deadline may not be requested.
If you lodge an appeal to the Rector of our University and the appeal is upheld, the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP) will issue a new payment form for the amount due. This payment form cannot be settled in instalments.
Any amounts unduly paid after the corresponding deadline will be refunded.
Cancelling your registration
Complete cancellation means dropping out of your degree programme for a full academic year.
If you request complete cancellation of your registration after 20 December, you will not be entitled to the refund of any fees paid (except for reasons attributable to the University of Granada).
If you apply for the complete cancellation of your registration, your doctoral studies will be considered as withdrawn unless you are applying for this cancellation because you have obtained a temporary leave during an academic year.
Refund of fees
In cases of incorrect payments or force majeure, the University of Granada Director's Office may agree to refund all or part of the fees paid.
Under no circumstances will any fees for secretary's office services be refunded.
To request a refund of fees, please fill in the "Impreso de Devolución de Precios Públicos" (Fee refund form) and attach a copy of your ID card/passport as well as proof of payment.
Our school insurance provides coverage for students under 28 years of age against school accidents, illness or family misfortune by providing them with medical, pharmaceutical and financial support as appropriate.
You can check information regarding the recording of fee payments in your academic transcript on the Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students.
- In the first tab: DATOS GENERALES (General information)
- First line of text: Estado del pago de precios públicos (Fee payment status)
- The following text may appear:
Precios públicos pendientes de justificar. Total pendiente: 66 euros. [Fees pending proof of payment. Total pending: 66 euros.]
IIMPORTANTE: Si el pago se ha producido en los últimos 15 días, este mensaje podría no estar actualizado. [IMPORTANT: If you have paid your fees within the last 15 days, this message may not be updated.]
- If this period has elapsed, you can send us proof of payment by email: --LOGIN--3bb6662e74c75bf1c75def8888b4fcdcugr[dot]es . We will take the necessary steps to ensure that the payment is reflected on your transcript.