Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI)

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Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI)

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Message from the Director of the Doctoral School

Welcome to the website of the Doctoral School in Sciences, Technologies and Engineering (EDCTI) of the University of Granada, responsible for doctoral programmes linked to the fields of theoretical and experimental sciences, information and communication technologies, civil and computing engineering, and architecture.

This portal aims to help students and lecturers in an agile and efficient way, offering relevant information about the School's structure, academic programmes and procedures. Efficient communication is very important for us, so we welcome any suggestions for the improvement of this website.

The EDCTI, like the rest of the Doctoral Schools of the UGR, is a young centre, although sufficiently experienced and committed to offer high-quality doctoral studies and to train highly qualified researchers for a knowledge society. We pursue training in theoretical and applied frontier research in the fields of natural sciences, information and communication technologies, and engineering. For the realisation of this task, we aim to achieve local, national and international collaborations. To this end, we rely on qualified lecturers and students from various national and foreign educational and research centres.

If you are interested in receiving doctoral training in the fields of sciences, technologies and engineering, explore this website and the doctoral programmes offered by our School and join us on the exciting journey of scientific-technical research and discovery.

Foto_BME_2 Begoña Moreno Escobar holds a Doctoral Degree in Civil Engineering and is a Senior Lecturer (Profesora Titular) of Engineering Projects at the UGR.

She has been Director of the Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI) since October 2023. Previously, she was Coordinator of both the Doctoral Programme in Civil Engineering and the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, as well as Academic Coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair “PM2 by European Commission. Open, free and common project management framework for all European institutions, companies and citizens. - PM2EU”, and Vice-Rector for Infrastructure and Campuses at the UGR.

Since 1997 she has taught on UGR degree programmes including the Bachelor's Degrees in Civil Engineering, Environmental Science and Chemical Engineering, and the Master's Degrees in Architectural Refurbishment and Industrial Electronics.

Her research activity has focused on various lines of research (water treatment using biofilm systems, water treatment with membrane technologies, environmental diagnosis of landfills, sustainable urban drainage systems and project management). In relation to these lines, she has actively participated in 16 research projects and 32 knowledge transfer projects. In the context of her research work, she has supervised 3 doctoral theses, participated in the publication of 8 books and more than 40 scientific and professional journal articles, and taken part in more than 50 presentations at national and international conferences.
Contact: UGR Directory
Begoña Moreno Escobar
Director of the Doctoral School in Science, Technology and Engineering (EDCTI)
Avda. de Madrid, 13, 18071 Granada, España
Tel: + 34 958249981

Basic information for doctoral students, tutors and supervisors

Download the following document (.pdf) to quickly get answers to frequent questions from new students and students enrolled in programmes that are being discontinued (requirements for the submission of a doctoral thesis, board of examiners, tutors, doctoral thesis supervisors, etc.).

For the defence of your doctoral thesis, it is important that you read the regulations of the EDCTI and the UGR. Please also see the calendar of sessions of the Standing Committee of the EDCTI Management Committee, which is responsible for the approval of these defence applications.

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