The University of Granada may confer the degree of doctor honoris causa to those who have achieved distinction, either nationally or internationally, in the field of research or education, human values, in the promotion of the arts and humanities, or have conducted activities of great impact on the scientific, artistic, cultural, technological or social fields. Candidates must have also made a significant contribution to the promotion and development of the University of Granada or maintain a close relationship with it.
Any department, centre or institute of the University of Granada can nominate a candidate for a doctor honoris causa degree. Nominations will be addressed to the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP).
Candidates cannot have previously obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Granada.
In order to be accepted by the Advisory Council for Doctoral Schools (CAED), the nomination must include the following documents:
a) The candidate's CV.
b) An explanatory report on the scientific, academic, artistic, literary, cultural or social merits of the candidate, indicating the field of knowledge for which they are nominated (Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, Engineering and Architecture). The report must also describe in detail the link between the candidate and the University of Granada.
c) The favourable vote (by secret ballot) of an absolute majority of the members of the Faculty Board, the Council of the Department or the Council of the University Institute proposing the nomination.
d) The favourable vote (by secret ballot) of a majority of the members of at least three Faculty Boards.
It is important to provide objective evidence of the candidate’s collaboration with the University of Granada in order to demonstrate this relationship. This will be demonstrated by means of:
All documents, in both paper and electronic formats, must be submitted to the International School for Postgraduate Studies via:
Email: --LOGIN--6a436e4c0d5412f945dcec907a539e4cugr[dot]es
Post to the following address:
Director/a del Secretariado de Doctorado
Escuela Internacional de Posgrado
Avenida de Madrid, 13
18071 Granada (Spain)
The International School for Postgraduate Studies will publish to the university community the nominations that meet the aforementioned requirements received in January, February and March of each academic year.
Any university department, centre, institute or member of the university community may make the appropriate allegations during the period in which the nomination is public (at least one month). These allegations will be included in the file.
The Advisory Council for Doctoral Schools (CAED) will issue a duly reasoned report within a maximum of two months which will be forwarded to the University of Granada Secretary's Office.
For further information, please refer to the Regulations for Awarding Honorary Doctorates at the University of Granada (approved in an extraordinary session of the Governing Council on 7 February 2013) Download .