Annual Monitoring of the Learning Activities and Research Proposal

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Annual Monitoring of the Learning Activities and Research Proposal

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This tab will be active during the month of September for the purposes of the annual monitoring of your academic activity.


Each September of every academic year the Academic Committee of your programme will assess the progress of your research proposal and your activity document (‘DAD’), together with the relevant reports by your tutor and supervisor.


The Academic Committee will inform you through the Academic Monitoring Portal for Doctoral Students about the date by which you will need to submit your report on the training activities you have completed, as well as the progress of your research proposal, including any modifications you may have made and the results obtained to date. In your first year, this report will be fairly basic. In subsequent years, however, it will contain a significant amount of information regarding your work in the doctoral programme. This report must be completed using the corresponding document which you can download from the same website.

Then, again via the Academic Monitoring Portal, within the deadlines set by the Committee:

  • your supervisor will submit a report with their feedback on how your research proposal is developing.
  • your tutor will post a report on the training activities you have completed and the competences you are acquiring as a result.
  • the Academic Committee of your doctoral programme will assess the different documents and, on the basis of this evaluation, will decide whether you should continue on the programme.

Once you have received approval from your doctoral programme you will receive an email with instructions on how to renew your enrolment.