Doctoral degree equivalency: Universities are responsible for certifying the equivalency of non-Spanish university degrees to Spanish doctoral-level degrees.
The procedure is initiated when the interested party submits an application to the rector of the university of their choice, along with the documents required by that university.
The concession of doctoral degree equivalency will be accredited via a degree equivalency certificate issued by the Spanish University. The certificate will state the title of the non-Spanish degree and the university that issued the diploma. Prior to issuing the recognised degree diploma, the university will inform the Sub-Directorate General for Degree Diplomas and Qualification Recognition of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) in order to formally register it in the special section of the National Registry of Official University Graduates (RNTUO).
You may apply for doctoral degree equivalency from more than one university at a time. If a non-Spanish degree has already been recognised as equivalent, it cannot be resubmitted for equivalency at another university. However, if the degree equivalency is denied, you may issue a new request to another Spanish university.
Doctoral degree equivalency does not imply, in any case, the recognition, official or otherwise, of any other non-Spanish degree held by the applicant, or the recognition in Spain of any other academic level other than doctoral.
Regulations applicable to doctoral degree equivalency
You must fill in the form available in the Applications and Forms section.
You can hand this form in at the UGR General Register Office or at any of the UGR auxiliary register offices, or at any of the locations established by Article 38 of Law 30/1992, of 26 November, on the Legal Regime and the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations. If you need further information about the Apostille of the Hague, you can find it in the following link:
If you have any further questions, you can contact us via e-mail at --LOGIN--e2851003799480f3289b56bb5af8fb86ugr[dot]es .
The fees for administrative services regarding degrees, which can be found within the regulations on public prices, can be viewed at the following link: