Elections for the Council of Doctoral Student Representatives 2021

University of Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | e- administration


Elections for the Council of Doctoral Student Representatives 2021

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As per decision of the Rectorate of the University of Granada on 14 April 2021, elections are called for the complete renewal of the Council of Doctoral Student Representatives


21 April Consultation of the provisional electoral roll
From 21 to 24 April Complaint period against the provisional electoral roll (until 24 April at 2.00 p.m.). Please refer to the submission procedures in the election notice.
From 29 April to 4 May Decision on complaints against the provisional electoral roll.
5 May Publication of the final electoral roll.
From 6 to 11 May Candidacy application period (until 11 May at 2.00 p.m.). Please refer to the submission procedures in the election notice.
14 May Provisional announcement of candidates.
From 17 to 19 May Period for complaints and withdrawals concerning the provisional announcement of candidates (until 19 May at 2.00 p.m.). Please refer to the submission procedures in the election notice.
21 May Decision on complaints and final announcement of candidates.
From 22 to 27 May Electoral campaign.
28 May Election silence.
From 31 May to 1 June Voting period (from 31 May at 10.00 a.m. to 1 June at 1.00 p.m.).
2 June Provisional announcement of elected candidates.
7 June Presentation of withdrawals and complaints concerning the provisional announcement of elected candidates (until 7 June at 2.00 p.m.). Please refer to the submission procedures in the election notice.
8 June Decision on complaints and drawing of lots to resolve ties, if applicable.
9 June Final announcement of elected candidates.

Electoral roll

As of 21 April 2021, the provisional electoral roll for the elections to the Council of Doctoral Student Representatives is made public.

Consultation procedure

  • Each member of the university community will be able to consult their own electoral roll data through the "Acceso identificado" Account of the University (by clicking on the “Elecciones” [Elections] application).


The following electronic procedures will be enabled in order to hold the elections:

On the "Acceso identificado" Account

The following procedures will be enabled at "Acceso Identificado" Account -> Elecciones (Elections):

  • Consultation of the provisional electoral roll

On the UGR e-Administration Platform

The following procedures will be enabled at the UGR e-Administration Platform:

  • Complaints on the provisional roll.
  • Presentation of candidacies.
  • Withdrawals and complaints concerning the provisional announcement of candidacies.
  • Withdrawals and complaints concerning the provisional announcement of elected candidates.

On the UGR Electronic Register

Any other documents relating to the electoral procedure not included in the previous lists will be presented through the UGR Electronic Register.

On other platforms

A voting platform will be set up. More information on this will be available in the coming weeks.

Committee for Electoral Guarantees

This electoral procedure will be supervised by a Committee for Electoral Guarantees composed of members belonging to the three sectors that integrate the university community. This committee has been created at the International School for Postgraduate Studies (EIP) and appointed by the Advisory Council for Doctoral Schools (CAED).

Sector Representative(s)
Student sector Andrea Velandia Morales
Academic sector María Carmen Ruiz Ruiz
Antonio García Casco
Francisco Contreras Cortés
Administrative and support staff (PAS) sector José Balderas Cejudo


Any queries regarding the electoral procedure must be sent to the following email address: --LOGIN--a92945b7baf14ea1f59b27d2424570beugr[dot]es

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