International projects

Universidad de Granada | Escuela de Posgrado | Administración electrónica


International projects

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The project

The International School for Posgraduate Students of the University of Granada is currently working on the UZDOC: Enhancing quality of doctoral education at Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan project .

UZDOC Study Visit at University of Granada

The Granada Study Visit will be held in Granada, Spain, from 9 to 15 April 2015. This study visit is designed in a way to combine theory with practical hands-on sessions and to ensure interaction and two-way communication between the participants and speakers/trainers.

The meeting will discuss topics such as internationalisation, interdisciplinarity and doctoral schools, and it will also intend to establish the basis for the elaboration of the Centres for doctoral education, a deliverable of the UZDOC project.

The University of Granada is the hosting institution of this study visit, which closes the second phase of the UZDOC project.

For more information please consult the link
